It provides the necessary support for the political and military moves, and has demonstrated a high level of societal resilience. The Israeli public continues to meet the severe challenges of Operation Protective Edge in an outstanding manner. This report focuses on a five-year period of this conflict: from the end of Operation Cast Lead in 2009 to the end of Operation Protective Edge in 2014. No longer in the periphery, the communities on the Gaza border have taken center stage in our hearts and minds. Operation Protective Edge was the third round of fighting between Israel and Hamas since 2008. Operation Protective Edge, 2014..... 69 The Road to War ... Summary For more than a decade, Israel has clashed with Hamas in Gaza, with cycles of violence defined by periods of intense fighting followed by relative lulls. Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge in Gaza Strip. In response to “Project Protective Edge,” Ezer Mizion has reported to duty on behalf of residents of the South, ready to assist in every area we can. Operation Protective Edge, Summer 2014.

Conflict In Gaza/Operation Protective Edge Human Rights Violations The Human Rights Watch organization says the death toll is over 500, the majority of which are Palestinian civilians Even with attacks on schools and hospitals, Israel maintains that all of their targets are Operation Protective Edge: A Summary. Manifesting the prominent characteristics of asymmetrical confrontations, the 2014 military campaign demonstrated the difficulty in foiling attempts by a non-state organization to translate its relative military weakness into political gain. Breaking News Emails . Summary: Fruits of KKL-JNF Worldwide Cooperation. Operation Protective Edge occured from 8 July to 26 August 2014 when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers and Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli civilians. The ensuing operation severely weakened Hamas, but both sides claimed victory, with Hamas claiming that it had "repelled" the Israelis from Gaza. Israel launches air strikes on at least 50 Gaza sites July 8, 2014 01:23. We were privy to their daily struggles in the face of incessant rocket fire and threat of infiltration and shared their grief.

operation protective edge summary