You will also have discussed the ideal blood glucose levels for you during your pregnancy. It occurs in about 4% of all pregnancies .

So the level of glucose in the blood becomes above normal. During pregnancy the sugar level may tend to be high sometimes, posing problems to the mother and the infant as well.

The body gets most of its energy from metabolizing the carbohydrates in food into a sugar called glucose, aka blood sugar.

Baby weight: 2.54 – 3.75lb (1.153 – 1.702kg) Baby’s CRL (crown-rump length): 15.19 – 16.6in (38.6 – 42cm) [ Read: 9th Month Pregnancy Care] By this time, your baby grows from the size of a butternut squash to a jicama . Test your blood sugar before you eat and 2 hours after each meal. When is the glucose screening test taken during pregnancy?

Baby Development In The Eighth Month Of Pregnancy. You typically get a glucose screening test between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. Here are a few things your doctor might suggest to reduce high sugar levels during pregnancy. How to Cut Risk of High Blood Sugar When You’re Pregnant. However, your provider may want you to be screened earlier than 24 weeks if a routine urine test shows a high level of sugar in your urine or if you're considered high risk. Blood Sugar Levels for Pregnant Women With Diabetes Whether you had diabetes before you got pregnant or you developed diabetes during your pregnancy , you'll need to keep a … Here are a few things your doctor might suggest to reduce high sugar levels during pregnancy. How to Gain Normal Blood Sugar Level If You Have Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy. Currently, the goal for a pregnant woman’s fasting blood sugar is below 95 milligrams per deciliter during the final few months of pregnancy. During Pregnancy starting to the 6th Month or 7th Month Blood sugar levels are starts to fluctuate. Read more: What to Know About Normal Blood Sugar Levels in Women Follow a Healthy Diet. Gestational diabetes usually is diagnosed in the later stages of pregnancy , and often occurs in women who have no prior history of diabetes. Pregnancy aggravates the preexisting type 2 and type 1 diabetes. If you had gestational diabetes during a previous pregnancy, research suggests you're more likely to have it again in a subsequent pregnancy. How to monitor your blood glucose levels

Generally, you will need to test before you eat your first meal for the day, as well as 1-2 hours … The body gets most of its energy from metabolizing the carbohydrates in food into a sugar called glucose, aka blood sugar. My doc referred me to a diabetician, who in turn asked me to take a blood sugar profile test (its called HbA1C test - gives yur profile information for the past three months - a simple blood test). My sugar level during 8th month (around 33 weeks) was 165 (random testing). At the beginning of the third trimester (between weeks 24 and 28), all women should get tested for gestational diabetes. Sugar levels can dip too low during pregnancy when any of the following occur: You don’t eat frequently enough or the right kinds of foods to stabilize blood sugar levels… Read more: What to Know About Normal Blood Sugar Levels in Women Follow a Healthy Diet. You have been put on bed rest. If you develop gestational diabetes, you will have to get used to testing your blood sugar levels before and after each meal.

sugar level during 8th month pregnancy