Todd Starnes is really upset that he was asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer when he went to a store to buy a toaster — during a global pandemic that has killed almost 80,000 people. After all, he has been raised to expect everyone else to bend to his will, not the other way around. Todd Starnes, a far-right commentator who writes columns and hosts a talk show, shared his particular trials and tribulations via Twitter. Mandatory hand sanitizer squirt and mask. They were sold into slavery, forbidden from drinking at certain water fountains or from riding in the front of the bus. What’s a pampered, entitled White Guy supposed to do? Steve May 9, 2020. r/FoxFiction: Fox News is a propaganda network designed for brainwashing its viewers into believing their Republican fantasyland. This is the official page for Todd Starnes - a place for freedom-loving patriots who want to fight back against political correctness. One way aisles and if you deviate from the approved zone for customers – they sternly lecture you. We all know that the most oppressed group in all of history is (checks notes) White Christian Republican Men.

Mandatory hand sanitizer squirt and mask. Yes, to put others’ safety before your own convenience is hard for the White Christian Republican Man. So, imagine Todd Starnes frustration when he was told by the mean store person that he had to not only wear a mask — but he had to use hand sanitizer — DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. So, imagine Todd Starnes frustration when he was told by the mean store person that he had to not only wear a mask — but he had to use hand sanitizer — DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. This is a …

And I still don’t have a toaster.

Yes, to put others' safety before your own convenience is hard for the White Christian Republican Man. Dropped by a department store to buy a toaster oven. I mean, the man just wanted to buy a damned toaster…and all of a sudden he’s dealing with all the new rules and inconveniences. By Red Painter We all know that the most oppressed group in all of history is (checks notes) White Christian Republican Men. The country as we know it has been destroyed.

Ya gotta feel for a brave, godly ‘Merican patriot like Todd Starnes, yeah?

… 296K likes. Entitled White Man, Todd Starnes, Whines About Wearing A Mask When He Went To Buy A Toaster. After all, he has been raised to expect everyone else to bend to his will, not the other way around. Todd Starnes, New York, NY. Todd Starnes Yesterday at 6:08 PM JUST IN: A Mississippi church that filed a lawsuit against stay-at-h ... ome orders burned to the ground -- and police believe it was arson. Dropped by a department store to buy a toaster oven.

todd starnes toaster