nice. kol. Weather. Likes LEAVE A COMMENT. 1) Weather talk. While you wait for it to be checked and approved why not to add a pre-selected message and a cool badge OK. WELL DONE, YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN ADDED!

Ten stunning facts about rain to pour over. Here are some brilliant fun facts about our climate. m. cool. Dog days of summer. British climate. What is air mass and how does it influence UK weather? No other nation talks about it as much as we do. It is in the temperate climatic zone and the sea affects the weather. The phrase 'dogs days of summer' used to refer to sweltering summer days has more to do with the stars than dogs. THANK YOU. Let’s talk about British summer.

COMMENTS. More than nine in 10 Brits have talked about the weather in the last six hours. You might think that weather and climate are the same thing, but they are actually different.

Britain has a mild climate. Facts about British Weather 4: … What do you think to our freaky weather facts? Photos: Getty Images UK. By Charlotte Smith 22 November 2017 Trinity Mirror. The Roman's 'dies caniculares' began towards the end of July when the star Sirius (known as the Dog Star) began to rise in the sky just before the Sun. Find out more with Bitesize KS2 Geography. Facts about British Weather 3: the northern areas. 2) British summer. that is very … The people who live in the northern areas of United Kingdom have to experience the wetter and cooler season. Customize your avatar OK. Let’s face it – weather is our favourite topic. Let us know by leaving a comment, below! The cooler, less windy and drier weather is often experienced by the people who live in eastern areas. 1. We spend 6 months of our lives talking about it. hi.

weather facts uk