urutapu 13:33, 23 May 2006 (UTC) Look, Sephiroth controlled Jenova. I wonder if Jenova was maybe already influencing him at that point.

Jenova’s purpose in life was to cause suffering and destruction, that’s all she had ever known. I always thought Sephiroth was the one in control, but that when he started going insane, Jenova influenced him as well.

Sephiroth taking over and controlling Jenova’s remains, escapes Hojos lab and goes on a rampage killing everyone. Edit: Or did he somehow keep each Jenova incarnation's soul from entering Lifestream - due to his control over anything Jenova, as Hojo specifies Sephiroth controlling the clones Hojo created with Jenova cells - and make their part of the Reunion to fully restore Jenova? They had merged into a single identity. The true villains are Hojo and SHINRA.

Controlling what remained of Jenova's cells, he had her take his form.
Jenova controlling Sephiroth does make some level of sense, but Square have apperently stated that it is another way around - Sephiroth takes control of Jenova, who appears as Sephiroth, it sounds more confusing than it is, but when you think about it makes a whole lot of sense, as the answer is there in front of you the whole time. Seemingly, the will of Jenova as a human is the result of it consuming Sephiroth's spirit; in actuality, Sephiroth is controlling Jenova. With this power, Sephiroth is able to morph Jenova's body into his, allowing him to carry out his plans in his own image.

JENOVA is a shape shifter, and Sephiroth is using his powers from within the Lifestream to control her. This video is unavailable. This based on his character. Hojo raised his own son as a guinea pig for his research, and was willing to infect him with a virus he didn’t fully understand. Cloud and gang not knowing why they’ve been spared decide to follow Sephiroth and stop him. Acting as his temporary avatar, she battled the rebel super-soldier Cloud … Figures that there would be one thing wrong. I was under the impression that it neither Sephiroth controlling Jenova or Jenova controlling Sephiroth. My headcanon is Sephiroth didn't really remember or recognize Cloud at first, but over time remembered what he did. Watch Queue Queue. I always felt that Jenova does have intelligence, but Sephiroth's will was too strong for Jenova to take over, thus Sephiroth kept control of himself and used Jenova… Of course, there's the fact that Ultimania Omega says Sephiroth was controlling Jenova, since he had a stronger will. I feel that people who typecast Sephiroth as the Big Bad miss the point of his character arc.

Hojo put Jenova cells into Sephiroth when he was still a fetus.

At the end it's hard to see where Jenova begins and Sephiroth ends. Jenova was "a calamity from the skies"--a malevolent alien lifeform that crashed into the Planet 2000 years prior to the events of the story.

Then again, Sephiroth contains Jenova cells. Sephiroth has JENOVA take his form while walking the planet to basically strike fear into all of those who cross his path.

To say Jenova had no will or consciousness at all is false as she/he/it originally deceived and murdered the Cetra way before the events of FFVII. That was the whole plan and the reason why he fucked Lucrecia in the first place. Hojo injected JENOVA cells into his pregnant wife ‘for science.’ Sephiroth was the product. So who is this other Sephiroth that appears before Cloud? Sephiroth is the final boss. The renegade super soldier Sephiroth would come to believe that Jenovah was his mother and attempted to destroy humanity. Jenova/Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII) Jenova (Compilation of FFVII) Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII) Love; First Kiss; Fluff; Stargazing; Flying; Somewhat Incestuous Pairing; Rare Pairing; One True Pairing; Summary. Cloud is unaware that he, like The other Sephiroth clones, 8/ being drawn to Sephiroth at the Northern Crater. So they start to think That the Orignal Jenova is actually Controlling Sephiroth the Entire time. Jenova can absorb its prey’s memories and form, hiding as their loved ones to destroy them.
Sephiroth reveals his new plan is to use Jenova's influence over those infected with Geostigma to control the Planet - once they die, their tainted spirits will join the Lifestream and further infect it with Jenova, until Sephiroth can control it. Sephiroth is the main villain. 7 years ago.

By this I mean that these are the only villains who actively choose to harm and manipulate, while retaining total human consciousness and codes of ethics. I think shokker answers this well. Is 7:16-7:37 correct, at least, if I edited 7:16 to 7:22 to say "either Jenova itself under Sephiroth's command or a clone that he is controlling"?

is jenova controlling sephiroth