Implicit bias covers a range of responses; many examples are rather benign.

-- Robertson Davies If you’ve listened to the news recently, you’ve probably heard the term “implicit bias” used in regards to prejudice. It has come up in the media quite a bit with the recent police shootings of black men, and it’s important to understand what implicit bias really means.
Five real-world examples of unconscious bias. My video is upside down. HELP! The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. Many times … I'd just taken the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which is a way to identify implicit bias. It also has a number of useful, though upsetting, examples. To shed some light on the issue and increase understanding, we’ve put together five real-world unconscious bias examples. This is just one example of how understanding implicit racial biases may help explain differential health care treatment, even for youths. Implicit Bias in the Workplace: Definition, Examples & Impact Impression Management: Festinger's Study of Cognitive Dissonance, Post-Decision Dissonance & Counterattitudinal Advocacy While most implicit-bias studies in health-care treatment have been conducted with black patients and nonblack providers, other researchers are investigating implicit bias in relation to other ethnic groups, people with obesity, sexual and gender minorities, people with mental health and substance use disorders, older adults and people with various health conditions. ELI, Inc. March 31, 2016 12 Comments Unconscious bias can be a difficult topic to explain and define. After all, if something is unconscious, how do you even know that it exists? An article in the NY Times contains important information on research into implicit bias.
And not just race bias, but also, for example, bias against gay, disabled or obese people. Many implicit bias training programs include experiential components and activities that help drive the message home. 1. For example, we’re easily swayed by advertising campaigns. Provide plenty of examples of the real-life consequences of bias, and give participants opportunities to recognize where in their own lives they may be acting with bias.

implicit bias examples