The goal of this game is to capture the opponent’s king. Try playing an online chess game against a top chess computer. How to Play Chess: Playing chess is not all that hard. How to Play Chess Step 1: Setup, Turns, and Taking Pieces. You can set the level from 1 to 10, from easy to grandmaster. Before talking about the how to play chess, you must know the pieces involved in a game of chess. In this article, we will help you learn how to play chess. Learn How to Play Chess in Just 12 minutes. If your child is comfortable with the movements of each piece, have them play a full game of chess. First, the 2 rooks are positioned at both corners, followed by 2 knights next to each rook, followed by the 2 bishops next to each knight. It involves strategy and knowledge of the game. The major pieces (rook and queen), minor pieces (bishop and knight), and the king are all on the last row of a chess board. Learn about topics such as How to Checkmate in 3 Moves in Chess, How to Win at Chess, How to Play Chess, and more with our helpful step-by-step instructions with photos and videos.
Let's start learning the chess rules! Chess pieces are always organized and arranged in the same way at the beginning of each chess game, in the two closest ranks of each player. The game is simple to learn, yet can take a lifetime to master. Traditional chess is played between two players, with one player using white (or clear) pieces, while the other player uses black (or dark) pieces. Follow a guided study plan to learn openings, endgames, strategy and tactics. Step 3: Rook. It's been around for centuries as a game for intellectuals and scholars; however, playing does require a level of genius -- but that doesn't mean children can't beat adults. The queen is then placed on the same colour block i.e black (white) queen on black (white) block. When you are ready to play games with human players, register for a free account! A chessboard is composed of 64 square boxes (8 boxes X 8 boxes), half of which are white (or light) and the other half is colored (black or dark). Chess is an incredibly fun, addicting game that requires skill and strategy. How to Play Chess Step 11: Now You Test Your Skills and Challenge Your Friends to a Game of Chess! If you get stuck, use a hint or take back the move. There are 6 different types of pieces in both black and white colour.

Remind your child that getting a pawn to the other side will only earn them a queen now. Play 1 minute bullet up to 2 hours games with 20,000+ players online. The goal is to overtake your opponent’s King. Get better at chess through interactive online chess lessons from top masters and coaches. Every day, players from around the world play more than 1 million chess games from home, work, and on the go. For the white player, the first row (the row closest to the player) is always arranged in the following order from left to right: Rook, Knight, Bishop, queen, king, Bishop, knight, rook.
Live Chess Play online any time in any browser! This is a beginners guide to ALL the Rules of Chess. Play a full game of chess. Chess is a classic game that symbolizes war: white vs. black.

how to play chess