Organic farming may not be a sustainable farming and sustainable farming need not be 100% Organic. Sustainable farming is based on the diversity of plants and animals kept on the farm. It also takes into account the locality of the farm and the existing conditions on the ground. Organic agriculture is a sustainable way of farming without chemical inputs during cultivation whereas integrated farming system is a sustainable way of farming which falls somewhere in between the conventional and the organic farming system. The fundamental difference between the two competing agricultural paradigms as follows. Organic Farming Vs Conventional Farming. Conventional Farming. What is projected in media that Organic farming as holy is not true.

Each element complements another. Sustainable agriculture takes into account the promotion of biodiversity, recycling of resources, promoting ecological balance and much more. If conventional agriculture was characterized by efficiency, uniformity and maximization, sustainable agriculture could be described by: diversity, interconnectedness and preservation. Profitability remains a goal of sustainable farming but environmental health and social equity find their rightful place in this system. Organic Farming : Centralization: Decentralization: Dependence: Independence: Competition: Community: Domination of nature: Harmony with nature: Specialisation: … Sustainable farming continued to evolve as alternative to ‘industrial’ agriculture (conventional agriculture) Questions arose beginning in the 1970’s about long-term ‘sustainability’ of this approach –what are the true production costs Role of the Green Revolution in Evolution of Sustainable and Organic Farming. Organic and conventional agriculture belonged to two different paradigms. Sustainable Agriculture as an E3 Approach to Reducing Rural/Urban Poverty Max Maquito, Ph.D. (UP SOLAIR, SGRA) 14 th SGRA Shared Growth Seminar “The Urban-Rural Gap and Sustainable Shared Growth” April 26, 2012 at the School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of the Philippines 2 Conventional VS Sustainable Agriculture (Stylized Facts) High-Yield Seeds High dependence on … Organic farming is not directed to address global sustainable goals. History of Biodynamic® Farming Rudolf Steiner: To understand Biodynamic …

conventional agriculture vs sustainable agriculture