The CNO cycle is a nuclear fusion cycle involving carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen.

26.7 ______ MeV is released by creation of one He-4 atom via the CNO cycle. A) the process by which helium is fused into carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen B) the process by which carbon is fused into nitrogen and oxygen C) a type of hydrogen fusion that uses carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms as catalysts The CNO cycle is a series of steps which occur in high mass stars that results in the fusion of _____ hydrogen into helium Which stars produce most of their energy by the CNO cycle? It is a more efficient way of fusing hydrogen into helium and is used by stars more massive than our sun. What is the CNO cycle ? a type of hydrogen fusion that uses carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms as catalysts Which element has the lowest mass per nuclear particle …

The CNO cycle is dominant in stars that are more than X.Y times as massive as the Sun.

It is a more ecient way of fusing hydrogen into helium and is used by stars more massive than our Sun.

Why does the CNO cycle require a higher temperature than the proton-proton chain? You still have the basic equation as the proton-proton chain, but carbon acts like a catalyst in the reaction. The CNO cycle is a nuclear fusion cycle involving carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. What is the CNO cycle?

what is the cno cycle quizlet