Mysterious Void Found Inside The Great Pyramid. Ancient History. Strange Creature Filmed In Hawkesbury River, Australia. 0. New Zealand Field Completely Covered In Spiders.

First Ever Live Giant Shipworms Discovered In Philippines. December 14, 2017. This Month's Popular posts. 0. Its A Strange World.

Diver Has Close Encounter With Great White Shark. UFOs.

April 20, 2017. Strange Creature Filmed In Hawkesbury River, Australia. Mysterious Ancient City Nan Madol Draws Comparisons To Atlantis.

Its A Strange World. April 28, 2017. Is There Aliens Working For The U.S. Government? 0. World’s ‘Oldest Man’ Dies Aged 146. Its A Strange World. UFOs. UFOs.

Aliens, Miracles, Ghosts and Conspiracies. Its A Strange World brings paranormal news and unexplained mysteries from around the web.

How would YOU react to the discovery/reveal of alien life?

Noah’s Ark’s Design More Like A ‘Massive Double Decker Coracle’ Strange Creature Filmed In Hawkesbury River, Australia.

Grey Alien Footage By KGB Leaked?

May 8, 2017. How would YOU react to the discovery/reveal of alien life?

it's a strange world