-1 Femelle British Longhair Crème (DI..... lire la suite Il est conseillé de ne pas laisser votre femelle avoir des petits au-delà de 6 à 7 ans, ce qui deviendrait un risque pour elle et sa progéniture. Née le 22/08/2016 . Platon des Lao Gong (dit Yuki) black golden shaded et Velvet (dite Tokyo, ..... lire la suite British Shorthair girls are generally rather quieter than boys; they tend to be less playful as they get older and even more prone to become sedentary in later life. Any British Shorthair breeder who is prepared to sell you an unspayed female kitten or cat is someone you want to avoid. Weir mated his cats with Russian Blues to acquire the handsome colouration; the end result was the famous British Blue, a British Shorthair with solid blue-grey fur and copper eyes. 5 superbes chatons British Shorthair et Longhair sont nés le 18 novembre 2020 Le British est une race de chats doux, câlins, joueurs et proches de son maître. The British is an easy cat to care for and makes a wonderful, quiet companion. They’re prone to the same conditions as any breed of cat but don’t suffer from the many sad maladies that beset some other breeds. British Shorthairs make a wonderful first cat: they’re extremely low-maintenance and independent yet very loyal and affectionate, essentially happy to look after themselves while shadowing you around the house and observing everything you’re up to as you go from room to room. To offset his sedentary nature, provide him with a cat tree and scratching post (upsized in proportion to his extra height) and make sure you play with him. Yuna est une belle British Shorthair Silver, plus précisément une British Black Silver Shaded, couleur que je veux continuer de travailler après Sakura.Comme Kinu, Yuna a un excellent profil avec un nez légèrement en trompette, elle a des yeux immenses et verts que j'aime beaucoup, son petit air triste me fait craquer à chaque fois que je la regarde ! Your neutered tom probably won’t ever become aggressive; cats need plenty of attention from their humans. All that said, there’s no absolute guarantee of health with any cat and a male British Shorthair might have a long and happy life too. Chaleurs: environ 3 à 6 fois par an, mais la fréquence dépend de l'environnement (mâle dans la maison, saison,...). How Much Does A British Shorthair Cat Cost (US/UK/AU)? Meilleure British shorthair femelle Belgique WCF 2019. Get information about the Ragdoll cat including facts, history, personality traits, and what it's like to live with this breed of cat. Moyen voir grand, le British Shorthair présente une structure à la fois solide et majestueuse.Son corps est puissant, ses épaules larges (autant que ses flancs) et ses pattes, robustes avec des pieds ronds. The British Shorthair is a very pleasant cat to have as a companion. The British Shorthair can be described as an attempt to perfect the standard domestic cat. He may not reach his full majestic stature until between three and five years old; this breed carries on growing slowly well after the age when most cats stop. There is no cure but proper care, including medication and a low-sodium diet, can give your lad a long and full life. They’re intelligent creatures and like having their minds stimulated.As with males, watch her diet and don’t overfeed her. You can find these cats in solid colours, bicoloured variants, tortoiseshell and calico patterns and even colourpoints. Nos reines British Shorthair, British Longhair ou Scottish Straight. Sexe: Femelle Statut: Disponible de suite 650€ Portée déclarée Loof Pucés , tatoués primo Vaccinés non stérilisé Contactez-nous This breed has a very thick, dense coat, which benefits from weekly brushing or combing with a metal shedding comb. De race British Shorthair, British Longhair ou Scottish Straight.Elles vivent à nos côtés et nous essayons de les choyer comme des reines ! You should also feed him carefully; give him moderate amounts of high-quality food and don’t let him snack too much. These cats were highly prized both as working cats and as friendly household companions. Want to know more? Il se reconnaît grâce à un corps massif et puissant mais aussi une queue courte et épaisse. He is known in cat fancy history as the "Father of the Cat Fancy." British Shorthairs are also very easy to care. For more information about grooming check: 17 Grooming Tips For British Shorthairs. Seasons greetings â ¤ï¸ â ¤ï¸ â ¤ï¸ Wanted to adopt a british shorthair kitten ... Bonjour nous recherchons une jolie chatons, petite femelle a poils long d'environ 8-10semaines pour ajouter a notre famille. La femelle British Shorthair peut débuter sa puberté entre 6 à18 mois, et le mâle encore plus tard! Female British Shorthairs cannot develop haemophilia. British Shorthair boys with this condition can make a good recovery if it’s caught early and treated appropriately. Bienvenue à la Chetterie de Hueseknapschen Elevage de British shorthair dans un cadre familliale et chaleureux. 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Sep 18, 2019 - Explore catloversparadise1's board "British Shorthair", followed by 150 people on Pinterest. As a breed they have few health issues and are easy to care for, requiring only a weekly brush-down and other elementary grooming activities that are easy to stay on top of. Female: large: >12 lbs. Your male British Shorthair is not a high-maintenance lad. Adorable chaton british shorthair lilac femelle, agée de 3 mois. Postée dans Blog | Leave a comment Un aperçu des chatons nés le 28 septembre prêts à être réservés. British Shorthair, Femelle black tortie silver shaded Age : 1 an 9 mois Vente chat > Vente British Shorthair > France > Val d'Oise > Voir une annonce 3 chatons British Shorthair à vendre (2 Femelles & 1 Mâle) Peluche, superbe petit mâle chocolat golden shaded et Pétunia, douce et pétillante petite femelle chocolat golden point sont … British Shorthairs are a very healthy breed. Mes chats vivent avec nous, ils ont toute la maison pour s'épanouir. Femelle stérilisée. That just leaves one question: boy or girl? Entrer dans les placards, les cartons, les sacs de courses, en profiter pour déchiqueter le … Their earliest ancestors are Egyptian felines brought over by the ancient Roman to keep the rats down on their galleys. Deux mâles Shorthair bleu et une femelle Shorthair bleue. They’ll warm up to you very quickly — they only need a little more time and reassurance to overcome their reticence. Supports healthy immune system, digestion, lean muscle & beautiful fur. Femelle stérilisée. Learn important things to look for when getting a cat, such as age, hair length, and which cat breed personalities will suit your lifestyle best. Adoption registry sites are one way to find your British Shorthair tom. Jolie femelle british shorthair Loof black golden shell née le 27 septembre 2020, disponible à la réservation, sera pucée et vaccinée avant son départ le 20 décembre 2020. She is heavily muscled and has heavy boning. Un aspect qui correspond en tout point à son caractère ! Groupe sanguin A. PKD négative . Also like the male, your British Shorthair queen is prone to spells of very low activity — in fact, she’s apt to slow down even more than the male as she gets older. Precisely balanced nutrition with the delicious taste of savory minced salmon to help fuel the energy needs of cats during the prime of their life. If she is in the mood to play, she will find someone and bring a toy to that person. She’ll be unfailingly gracious to the rest of the household and their guests, of course — but there’s apt to be a particular person who gets the lap time and snuggles nobody else does. Nos chats sont affiliés au LOOF. La reproduction de votre british shorthair peut commencer dès ses 12 ou 14 mois pour être sûr de sa bonne maturité sexuelle. L’ensemble des chats sont alors appelés British Shorthair. If the child does something your cat doesn’t like, she’ll generally just walk away. British Shorthairs are not keen on being hugged or squeezed so discourage this; instead, encourage the child to play with a teaser toy or teach your cat to fetch. Le British Shorthair est un chat de taille moyenne à l'allure majestueuse et au corps puissant. The kittens ready to go new home after 6 weeks. En savoir plus sur l'adoption du British Shorthair. Posted on 27 octobre 2020 by candybelle. Vous trouverez sur cette page les mamans de nos bébés. Testé Fiv-FelV et PKD : négatifs. Chatons nés le 26/08/2020. Like her brother, you should comb or brush her regularly, brush her teeth every few days if you can, and clip her nails lightly every couple of weeks. Page de Rubie-Punky: Prénom: Rubie-Punky. I have heard it claimed that female British Shorthairs are better with kids than males; I’m unconvinced, however. Blue Tabby British Shorthair Female British Shorthair Cat. Féline Herpes Virus négatif. The most inexpensive option is to take in a cat who needs to be adopted or a rescue animal. As long as British Shorthair kittens are properly socialised, they don’t seem too keen on spraying or other territorial displays. This is by no means universal but it’s fairly common. The British will play when she wants to play and will find a toy or create one out of anything she finds if a cat toy is not available. See more ideas about british shorthair, british shorthair cats, cats and kittens. Like their brothers, things about the British Shorthair as a breed is that they’re so loving and affectionate. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. The British Shorthair has a broad chest, muscular neck, strong jaws and a well developed muzzle. British Shorthair, Femelle black tortie silver shaded Age : 1 an 9 mois Consultez-les! Ne porte le gène longhair. As if this were not enough, Harrison took the humble street cat of Britain and, through an intensive breeding program, transformed it to the pedigreed breed that he named the British. Pomme d'Amour, femelle british shorthair bleue d'1 mois et demi Next, they can be introduced with a barrier between them, such as a pet crate or a baby gate. Are British Shorthair Cats Good With Dogs? -1 Femelle British Longhair Crème (DI..... lire la suite When the Persian was introduced into Britain, it nudged out the British for the most popular breed temporarily. Much depends on giving the two animals a proper introduction — whether you’re bringing the cat into a household with a resident dog or the dog into a household with a resident cat, you should place them in separate rooms for a day or two so they can get used to each other’s smells and sounds. A daily brushing is important, especially during seasonal changes when the coat is thickening or thinning. Groupe sanguin Ab. Le British Shorthair représente le chat idéal à adopter par tous, même les personnes qui n’ont jamais possédé d’animaux de compagnie auparavant. Née le 22/08/2016 . A cette date, des éleveurs décident d’exposer, à la Crystal Palace de Londres, les plus beaux chats de gouttière trouvés. The main difference between a female cat and a male is that the female will tend to be significantly smaller. Nous sommes un petit elevage familial près de Versailles en région parisienne, nos chatons peuvent être des british shorthair ou des british longhair.