These exercises are performed once your bone has healed. Grip And Range Of Motion Exercises With your average non-complicated wrist fracture, gentle introduction to gripping and range of motion exercises in every direction is exactly what your wrist wants and needs. After wearing a cast or a splint on your wrist while your Colles' fracture was healing, you may... Handgrip Exercises. Slowly lower... Wrist extension: Hold a soup can or hammer handle in your hand with your palm facing down. Slowly bend your wrist up. Strengthening exercises can help with stiffness in your hand after a wrist fracture. Move 1: Grip Strengthening. Below you will find multiple videos to help get your wrist … Bend your wrist upward. Physical Therapy Exercise Program After a Colles Fracture Wrist Range of Motion. Wrist flexion: Hold a can or hammer handle in your hand with your palm facing up. In general, exercises begin about six weeks after a broken wrist, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

wrist strengthening exercises after fracture