a. Which of the following is a drawback of a narrow span of control? What has not been discussed thus far is the importance of context. It is more efficient.

0 votes answered Jun 14, 2016 by SocaGal You are a life saver. Which of the following is a drawback of a narrow span of control?

It ___.A) reduces effectiveness B) is more efficient C) encourages overly tight supervision and discourages employee autonomy D) empowers employees E) increases participatory decision-making

Explanation: A) Managers with a narrow span of control face the drawback of having less employee freedom to make decisions. The advantages and disadvantages of a narrow span of management are clearly set forth in the previous responses. It reduces effectiveness.

The narrower the span of control, the more effective the manager can be. Also explore over 12 similar quizzes in this category. following principles? C) It encourages employee autonomy. A narrow span of control is where a manager directly line manages a small number of subordinates. 15Shirley Shands is a hard worker but Debra, her manager, is irritated with her. Which of the following terms is commonly used to refer to the set of activities that make up the a. span of control b. unity of command c. chain of command d. decentralization principle (a; Moderate; p. 456) 20.

c. It encourages overly tight d. It Which of the following is a drawback of a narrow span of control? E) It increases participatory decision She lets her groups schedule their own meetings and receives notes on their progress. B) It is more expensive. (A) Span of control (B) Chain of command (C) Unity of command (D) Management by exception 16. Study 1308 Final flashcards from Mr R. on StudyBlue. b. Try this amazing DSST- Principles Of Supervision quiz which has been attempted 2022 times by avid quiz takers. D) It decreases the number levels in the organizational hierarchy.

A) It reduces effectiveness.

Rose is leading a project to standardize the codes for medical devices in a national database.

which of the following is a drawback of a narrow span of control