Urgency: Hospital emergency room. There are several areas in the brain that work together to provide us with the ability to move our legs. Our spinal cord is a means of communication between the brain and the body. Rarity: Uncommon. Any foot weakness is a sign of nerve damage, which is very worrisome and requires you to go see a doctor immediately! Top Symptoms: foot weakness, lower leg weakness, severe pelvis pain, hearing voices or seeing things that aren't there, arm weakness. Weakness of Both Legs Symptoms, Causes & Common Questions. Leg muscle weakness may result in an abnormal gait or pattern of walking. Greater trochanteric pain syndrome I pulled over at my destination and discovered instantly that I could not move my arms or legs properly! Sudden leg weakness could be a sign of a serious medical issue, such as a stroke. Pain interventionalist Dr. Catherine Choi talks about the frequency of leg weakness. Read more below to learn 9 possible reasons your legs feel weak and questions your doctor may ask to evaluate your condition. If you have a stroke, your best chance of recovery is dependent on getting treatment as soon as possible. It is alarming to suddenly have your legs give out as you take a step. But out of the blue, at 11 am, I began to get this heavy, sluggish feeling in my legs.

Updated on March 13, 2019. I'm not prone to having any sort of leg pain or weakness. What Causes Legs To Feel Heavy And Weak When Walking? This is a condition in which the opening that your spine passes through is narrowing, which causes compression on the nerve. Pathologies … Having sudden weakness in the leg when walking is an alarming symptom and it needs to be evaluated as soon as possible.

With this type of gait, the individual's toes point down and may drag on the floor as the person is walking. On another occasion I'd gone for a drive because I was stressed out about something. I fell out of bed in the middle of the night trying to get up to go to the toilet. Of course, that doesn’t make it any less alarming when it happens to you. Head to the nearest emergency room or call 911 if you’re not sure what’s going on. If the portion of the spine that provides stimulation to your legs is affected, you may experience weakness, tingling or discomfort in your legs, particularly as you walk.

Very frightening. However, you might be surprised to learn that many adults experience sudden leg weakness, and it is not always a serious condition.

For example, according to MedLinePlus , if there is muscle weakness in the tibia, an individual may have a steppage gait . Causes for leg weakness range in severity, so it's important to pay attention to your symptoms and talk to your doctor. Are you noticing persistent weakness in your legs? Within an hour, my legs were weak, I couldn't countrol my leg muscles, felt like I had a bad case of cerebral palsy. Went to instacare after work 5 hours later cuz it was still going on in both legs.

Any pathology of the lumbar spine results in reduced or loss of nervous communication between the brain and lower extremities. Sudden leg weakness, particularly on one side, can be one of the signs of a stroke or a transient ischemic attack (a temporary, reversible stroke). I too have experienced the sudden paralysis-like feeling in my legs.

sudden weakness in legs unable to walk