By zugupywa90706 Ongoing - Updated Oct 24, 2019 Embed Story Share via Email Read New Reading List. His son's words shattered his understanding of himself. After that episode, I bought this book because I wanted to hear more of his story. 103 Reads 1 Vote 1 Part Story. Shaka Senghor's story is exactly why America needs to stop turning its back on prisoners.

SHAKA SENGHOR, a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, is a writer, mentor, and motivational speaker whose story of redemption has inspired thousands. While serving 19 years in prison, Senghor discovered redemption and responsibility through literature, his own writing, and the kindness of others. TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: In 1991, Shaka Senghor shot and killed a man. Shaka Senghor: The Intentional Storyteller. I saw Shaka Senghor on Sarah Silverman's I Love You, America. ... For 26 years, Senghor’s story stretched from pain and incarceration into innovation and atonement. Writing My Wrongs is the story of what came next. He was, he says, "a drug dealer with a quick temper and a semi-automatic pistol." SHAKA SENGHOR, a member of Oprah's SuperSoul 100, is a writer, mentor, and motivational speaker whose story of redemption has inspired thousands. In telling his story, he transitions back and forth between the story of the life that led to his incarceration and the story of his time in Michigan's correctional system. "It was like I can't—whatever I do, if I never get out of prison, I refuse for that to be the legacy for my child. But it wasn't. The letter dramatically shifted his perspective, leading to an awakening within him to rethink his life. The challenges Senghor has faced have been well documented by journalists from Fusion, Fast Company, The Atlantic, The Huffington Post, Detroit Free Press, Oprah Magazine, and others. About Shaka Senghor. Shaka shares with Oprah the life-changing epiphany he experienced reading his son's words. Shaka says he experienced a life-changing epiphany after reading the letter. While serving 19 years in prison, Senghor discovered redemption and responsibility through literature, his own writing, and the… More about Shaka Senghor Instead, it was the beginning of a years-long journey to redemption, one with humbling and sobering lessons for us all. Jailed for second degree murder, that could very well have been the end of the story. "That was the moment when I decided that I would never go back to the darkness," Shaka says, "and that I … By Zahara Hill Earl Gibson III via Getty Images Shaka Senghor spent 19 years incarcerated for murder. During his 19-year incarceration, seven of which were spent in solitary confinement, Senghor discovered literature, meditation, self-examination, and the kindness of others - tools he used to confront the demons of his past, forgive the people who hurt him, and begin atoning for the wrongs he had committed.

shaka senghor story