Add it into the salad ingredients and mix all together. Cooking all those three ingredients in Instant Pot means that I only get one pot to wash, thus turning it into an Instant Pot Russian Potato Salad. Step 8: In a small bowl combine mayonnaise with mustard and pepper. This filling, hearty, and comforting salad is usually served on various occasions, but mostly on a New Year’s Eve which is the most important Russian holiday of the year. Unlike a basic American potato salad, a Russian "olivye" (potato salad) is loaded with hearty ingredients. Step 6: Peel and chop into cubes eggs, potatoes, and carrots (if using, cube your ham too). Step 7: Place all the ingredients into a large bowl and mix all together. It's a change-of-pace potato salad that's sure to … The Estonian version of the potato salad consists of potatoes, ham or sausage, cucumber, eggs, pickles (salty or marinated but not sour), canned peas, apple and onion. Olivier Salad, also known in other countries as Russian Potato Salad, is one of the most famous Russian foods. Apple and cucumber make the salad … This is a vegan version of the traditional Russian Potato Salad, Olivier, or Stolichniy Salad, which is made with mayonnaise, Bologna sausage, and eggs. In our version of Russian Potato Salad, we've included eggs, peas, pickles, and bologna for lots of yumminess. Whenever I made this salad before Instant Pot, I would have three pots going on the stove: potatoes in one, carrots in another, eggs in the third. Many people say you can’t call it Olivier without those ingredients, but we think this recipe is just as delicious, if not more. Step 5: Strain and rinse canned peas. Why use Instant Pot to make Russian Potato Salad.

russian potato salad with bologna