Really its up to you as to what you prefer though Continually training hard without rest, though can lead to fatigue, illness and poor performance.

A light jog/run tends to help with soreness, and keeps the legs from tightening up after you lift. How to Run on Tired Legs.

Cardio on leg day/the day after? I tried to use the treadmill right after lifting, and my legs were dead, and I almost fell off the machine! If their primary goal is fat loss, that could seem like a good thing, as the body burns off calories before taking any in. It's normal to feel some soreness in your legs if you're just starting to run or if you've increased the intensity of your workout.

depends on what you are after, if its only about gains in the weight room, then running after legs or before legs is a bad choice. Hopefully week 2 of legs gets a little better and then continues to improve from there! Because let's face it, doing the activity you enjoy the least first, will ensure that it gets done and with the most amount of energy.

Typically, those people don't eat before their morning workout, though—they're running on empty! If you are starting or increasing a running program, you probably know that running is great for your cardiovascular fitness and overall health but you might wonder if running gives you muscular, or runner's legs. Having heavy legs when running can harm your running performance and hinder improvement, which can be discouraging for both beginners and experienced runners alike.

The expert answer: We posed your question to Dr. Mike Clark, … Here we will look at causes of and remedies for leg fatigue while running, to help you optimize your training, and run and rest without discomfort. I've been incorporating as much cardio as I can in to my routine (PHAT), and the way I've been doing it is running for half an hour on days where I don't work my legs (ends up being 3 times a week). Running hard undoubtedly comes with rewards, including increased muscular strength in the legs and improved stamina and endurance. There may be some health benefits to running every day, but you may only need to run for 5 to 10 minutes a day. This often happens after a run, but your legs can become tired during a run as well.

Tired legs occur when lactic acid builds up in your muscles while running or jogging.

However if it is for fitness then it is a good idea. I did squats for the first time last week, and my quads were so sore I couldn't run until yesterday! Should I Wait Until My Legs Aren't Sore Before I Run Again?.

And running more than 4.5 hours a week may not provide any additional benefits. Taking proper care of your tired legs after a run is a crucial part of an effective, healthy workout regimen. The answer is a qualified yes — because running primarily uses your legs, you will develop sport-specific muscles over time. Before you decide if you should run before or after lifting weights, take into consideration the type of exercise you enjoy the most and make that second.

Since my legs weren’t trimming down, I started to look into whether running caused legs to get bigger. But do any research on the web and you will be confused for days.

running legs before and after