Nereus was father to Thetis, one of the Nereids, who in turn was mother to the great Greek hero Achilles, and Amphitrite, who married Poseidon. As a proper noun poseidon is poseidon. DESCRIPTION The head of Oceanus or Pontus, personification of the sea, rises from the water. Es liberado y después de varios años, el libera a los Doce Dioses Titánicos del Tartaros con el motivo de obtener el Dynamis incompleto de estos doce Dioses para revivir a Diosa …

Two winged Erotes (Roman Lets give this a quick breakdown In the myths, the gods were indeed smaller but still more powerful than the Zeus vs Poseidon - What's the difference?

This paper is the best I have seen in some time as far as explaining who is more powerful. The god has a beard of ocean waves, sea-weed hair, and four pairs of lobster-claw and antennae "horns".

I did some research and found a paper by someone names Darkcloud111, he gets the credit. In pre-Olympian Bronze Age Greece, he was venerated as a chief deity at Pylos and Thebes.
Pontus vs Poseidon - What's the difference? If it was a one on one fight, then Poseidon would have the upper hand because of his actual “species” if that is the word.

DEEPWATER POSEIDON General Description Design / Generation DSME 12000 Ultra Deepwater Drillship Constructing Shipyard DSME Year Entered Service / Significant Upgrades 2018 Classification DNV 1A1, “Ship Notes [ edit ] ^ Hesiod , Theogony 233-36, is unequivocal that Nereus is the Old Man of the Sea (ἅλιος γέρων), whereas the Odyssey gives the sobriquet to Nereus (xxiv.58) to Proteus (iv.365, 387), …

Pontos (ポントス, Pontosu) es uno de los cuatro dioses primarios creados por Gaia.En la antigüedad fue sellado en Egipto, en una profunda tumba cerca de Presa de Asuán. Definitely Poseidon. pontus | poseidon | As a noun pontus is the sea, the deep. ポセイドーン(古希: ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝ, Ποσειδῶν, Poseidōn )は、ギリシア神話の海と地震を司る神である [1]。 オリュンポス十二神の一柱で、最高神ゼウスに次ぐ圧倒的な強さを誇る。 海洋の全てを支配し、全大陸すらポセイドーンの力によって支えられている。 Poseidon (/ p ə ˈ s aɪ d ən, p ɒ-, p oʊ-/; Greek: Ποσειδῶν, pronounced [poseːdɔ ːn]) was one of the Twelve Olympians in ancient Greek religion and myth, god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses.

Pontus vs Poseidon