Pixel Compressor is a crafting station used to turn pixels into tradeable, storable, stackable items called voxels.. Decompressing these voxels will yield the equivalent amount of pixels back, so it provides a way to trade pixels to others as well as protect against pixel loss from death.. Voxels are available in the following sizes: 1k Voxel, 2k Voxel, 5k Voxel, and 10k Voxel. From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki. As far as I can tell, you cannot directly spawn pixels. The Pixel Compressor is crafted at the Research Station on your ship. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Nate McCloud Existential Complex. The highest yielding item (as of the current stable build) is the 10kVoxel (6000 pixels per), which can be spawned with the /spawnitem voxel10k command. Currency Pixel (1000) 2k Voxel. Currency Pixel (2000) 10k Voxel.

It costs 15 Durasteel bars and 15 Gold Bars to create.. Some objects, however, are not printable even if they are scanned.

The Pixel Printer allows players to 'replicate' scanned objects using pixels (which is the game's universal currency). Pixel Compressor Safely compress your pixels Recipe Output Category Ingredients Crafting Tab Teaches 1k Voxel. Once an object is scanned using the scanning mode of the Matter Manipulator, the object will be listed in the printer window and can be 'reprinted' unlimited times. 10k Voxel is an item that's crafted using pixels in the Pixel Compressor, which breaks down pixels into a tradeable, storeable item.. Pixel Compressor.

Jump to: navigation, search. It can be traded with other players, and when stored, it protects pixels from loss upon death.This voxel block can be refined back into 10,000 pixels.. Does anyone else find the Pixel Compressor to be a complete waste of pixels? Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Nate McCloud, Dec 12, 2013. After you've used the /admin command, however, you can spawn a refinery and ores/compressed pixels to turn into pixels. Pixel Compressor/Recipes. They may be turned back into pixels via the pixel compresser. It takes in pixels from your pixel 'account' and produces 'pixel blocks' that are safe from being lost when you die - as of update 1.0, converting pixels into voxels is now completely free.

starbound pixel compressor