I was always a pretty hyper kid and could get a little bit shaky during presentations and public speaking, but at the end of 11th grade/beginning or 12th, I developed a severe presentation/public speaking anxiety. Similarly, a different study shows that while pre-speech anxiety levels in those with SAD were higher than those without, once participants in either group were actually engaged in public speaking, the anxiety leveled off, providing a treatment strategy for the SAD group centering on controlling pre-speech nervousness through CBT treatment and exposure 11. Home Remedies. Terry Graedon. Anyone else have luck with beta blockers for public speaking? Or flying on a plane. I've had the worst fear of public speaking ever since middle school. My voice quivers, my legs and hands tremble, my heart feels like it's going to beat out of its chest. Doctors are prescribing beta blockers to help business professionals deal with anxiety caused by public speaking.

I worry for days in advance, and once I get up in front of people I am a wreck. Or who fear going to the dentist. December 05, 2016. — -- Question: Should beta blockers be used to treat predictable moments of anxiety, such as a public speaking engagement? These medications are taken prior to the onset of your symptoms to temporarily block the effects of adrenaline — that flight-or-flight response hormone that prepares your body to react (a.k.a., run if your still being chased by that hungry tigress) to stress. Beta-Blockers have definitely helped retrain my physical reaction to fear-inducing situations. 6 Comments. Public Speaking Phobia Dissolves with Herbs 4.6-9 ratings. Terry Graedon-December 05, 2016-6 Comments. To preface, I have never taken beta-blockers, or any anxiety medication before.
Q. I have been a middle school teacher for 37 years. Beta-blockers are one class of drugs that may be of some help. I do a lot of public speaking/training and despite years of doing this, my fear response had always been very very pronounced. Alissa Ambrose/STAT. I also come from a family that isn’t too open about their mental health. I have never had a problem speaking to my students or their parents, but otherwise public speaking turns me to Jell-O. Shaking hands and legs, excessive saliva/swallowing, even if I wasn't mentally nervous at all. He envisions reaching not just people nervous about public speaking, but those who are shy.

natural beta blockers for public speaking