The spread of the Roman Empire was partly due to the fact that the Roman army was so well organised.

It’s a matter of simple physics. The sword was very important.

The Roman army was the ancient world’s master of formation movement, with a menu of pre-drilled movements at the general’s fingertips. Army Training: Roman Shields: Introduction. At the time of its invasion of Britain, the Roman army was the most disciplined and efficient killing machine that the ancient world had ever known. Thanks to their famous discipline, they could take up and hold positions even in the heat of battle. There were over 5,000 soldiers in a legion. Re-enactors demonstrating a wedge formation. Vegetius declared that soldiers should train constantly so that they were always prepared for war. The Roman Army was extremely important in explaining the success of the Romans and the expansion of the Roman Empire. The Roman army was made up of groups of soldiers called legions. On the cry, “cuneum formate”, the legionaries would form a wedge and charge at the opposition.

Josephus also contrasted the never-ending and arduous exercises undergone by the Roman army with the lack of preparation of all other nations. It was a whip yet a pounding shield. The Roman army was something to marvel at. The Roman Army, at the peak of its power, conquered what we now call England/Wales, Spain, France, most of Germany, the … It was light and short (no more than 50 cm) so soldiers can use it for stabbing quickly. Gladius- sword.
The military of the Romans managed to both exhibit flexibility and stability at the same time. There were about 30 legions around the Roman Empire, three of which were based in Britain at Caerleon, Chester and York. Even down to the individual soldier, being well-rounded, yet specialized, proved to be the army’s strength.
Its adaptability was amazing. This formation is called the testudo, or tortoise. Your Year 3 or Year 4 class will undertake some Roman soldier training in this lesson as they are taken back to the Campus of ancient Rome to find out what was physically required to train a Roman soldier! Unit training and exercises. The legionary's personal weapons were two javelins, a sword and a dagger.

Roman soldiers used rigorous formations and clever tactics to defeat their opponents on the battlefield. Army formations. Each legion had its own number, name, badge and fortress.

roman army training