To resize a partition, right-click it and select Resize/Move.

Resizing a partition in Windows 10 helps you to make full use of disk space. Fortunately, there is a very easy and built-in way to shrink a partition in all modern versions of Windows without any fancy software!

You know the drill: You want to dual-boot between, say, Windows 10 and Ubuntu Resize EXT4 partition under Windows without losing data

use easus partition master (or any other that you prefer) on windows to resize the partition of ubuntu Use tuxboot or unetbootin to create a bootable usb of gparted live.
How to Change Partition Size in Ubuntu. You can do it with gparted or kparted or partition wizard and probably disks and many other utilities. This list is focused on applications that support the Ext4 file system, … This is frequently recommended on the Ubuntu Forums as a good way to partition a drive, since both Windows and Ubuntu can natively read from and write to FAT32. From your present partition layout it appears that the root partition for Ubuntu is a bit too small, and the swap partition is in the way of increasing your root partition. But none of them can create EXT4 partition, even resize EXT4 partition under Windows. Expanding disk partitions to use all the available (unallocated) disk space is a common issue among Linux Administrators, expecially when working in a VMware-based Cloud environment: deploying a Linux VM from an existing template will often lead to disk partitions smaller than the disk space allocated during the VM configuration phase. The safest way is to use Windows 10 to shrink it's own partition. Here is a real-world case related to this issue: “ May computer is dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows 10, and all of them work properly without errors. Shrink or Delete the target partition (make sure you leave at least a couple of GB for an OS to play with, especially Windows, unless you're deleting it completely). For this kind of users, they can resize Ubuntu partition under Windows operating system with a third-party partition manager.

Note: When you load the Ubuntu installer and Windows is installed, you will see 2 partitions already on the drive (only 1 if you use Windows XP).

If a partition is mounted, unmount it by clicking the eject button in the file manager. In the attached image is my dual boot setup with sda2 being Win10 and sda3 being Ubuntu (sda5+sda6).

Boot from CD or USB drive

You can't view EXT4 on windows like you see NTFS system on Linux. Because I use most of the time Ubuntu OS I free up some space from the Windows partition and obtained sda4 - 95GB.

Say, it enables you to extend the system partition , create, delete, resize/move, copy, merge, split or … It is possible to add a swap partition later but this may be too complicated for a first start into the Ubuntu universe.

To edit your partitions, you are going to need an Ubuntu live CD or a USB drive. Resizing a Windows partition comes after you give Ubuntu your login information.It is part of preparing the disk space for your installation. So we’ve rounded up some third-party software to help.

; Open GParted. In this article, we will introduce a free software - AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard for you to resize partition simply. I have done this quite a few times and only once did the partition become corrupted.

Select how big you want the partition … just use any Ubuntu live CD installer and boot into it and select “Try Ubuntu” option.
Linux has built-in support for Windows NTFS partitions, but Windows can’t read Linux partitions without third-party software.

Step 4 Update the partition table tool using cfdisk. Right click on the root partition (/dev/sda1) and resize it. If you have a version of Windows installed and would like to keep it, there are special steps you need to take before setting up your Ubuntu partitions. If you have a swap partition, the Ubuntu live environment will likely have activated it. Step 3 Reboot your Ubuntu machine in order for Ubuntu to recognize the change.

Trying to resize or move a dual boot partition can entail more than simply clicking and dragging to resize. Windows still provide two disk partition methods to resize partition - Disk Management and Diskpart cmd. Ubuntu / gparted cannot shrink the partition reliably as Windows 10 can. Boot either a Ubuntu or GParted Live CD. Some users may want to resize either Ubuntu partition or Windows partition in order to make best of disk space.

In order to change the partition, Ubuntu live CDs include GParted partition editors.

Sometimes, you need free space on your drive in order for the linux install (even Ubuntu) to be happy. Pictured above is a more common scenario—a Ubuntu partition, a Windows partition, and a FAT32 partition in the middle to share data between the two operating systems. Once you have installed Windows you can load the Ubuntu installer up, resize your Windows partition (if needed) and create the same partitions as outlined above. root@Docker01:~# reboot. My Windows partition was 411 GB with only 100 GB used. EaseUS partition manager offers a simple and convenient way to repartition hard drive partitions, and it runs well on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

If everything is backed up you don’t have much to lose.

root@Docker01:~# cfdisk Select [NEW] partition and [PRIMARY] for partition type.

resize ubuntu partition from windows