If you once suffered a shoulder injury, the Half-Kneeling Single-Arm Landmine Overhead Press is a great exercise for building shoulder strength without pain. The Z Press is an advanced movement that challenge many of the same muscle groups and movement patterns seen in the landmine press. Learn how to perform the kneeling dumbbell overhead press, a move that targets your shoulders and builds upper-body muscle and strength. The single-arm half-kneeling shoulder press is a popular exercise to target the deltoid muscles while also developing strength and stability in the core and hips. The half kneeling position is a static hip flexor stretch that also allows you to engage your core. Idalis Velazquez: Half kneeling landmine press. Begin in a half-kneeling position with your left leg in front of you, bent at 90 degrees, foot planted on the ground. Balance can be a challenge, which is one reason why this movement is generally trained lighter than standing single-arm shoulder presses. On an exhale, press the kettlebell over your shoulder. Donate to help vulnerable communities cope with COVID-19 DONATE Kneel on your right knee. Hold the kettlebell at shoulder height in your right hand in a front rack position, letting the bell rest on your elbow. Z Press.

kneeling alternating shoulder press