Tesla turbine.

Tesla never saw the car produced, but he might be gratified today to see that his revolutionary turbine is finally being incorporated into a new generation of cleaner, more efficient vehicles. It is unaffected by sediment erosion due to lack of vanes. Ken Rieli put in some extra design time & decided to add his new, improved 4.5” Tesla Turbine plans on the DIY Tesla Turbogenerator Project CD and the FREE download here. This “HET Motor” design looks promising (if they can bring it to market, obviously.) The particularly good thing about Tesla turbines is they are very easy to build. In operation, a Tesla turbine is simply a turbomachine which is reasonably efficient at a fairly high rotational speed, (dependent on several factors, including gap between the discs and disc diameter), but not too efficient to get moving. Interestingly, using the word "turbine" to describe Tesla's invention seems a bit misleading. Abstract of the Invention An improved turbine using the edge of the blades of the working surface instead of the blade's face, and further utilizing both expansion blades and adhesion discs. Tesla intended to use his turbine to propel aircraft, in geothermal power plants, in cars instead of pistons, for vacuum pumps, for compressing air and liquifying gases. : Conf. One of the greatest fallacies of the Tesla design is the idea that you can get work from the gas that once it gets into the space between the disks. Design and Computational Analysis of 1 kW Tesla Turbine Raunak Jung Pandey* 1, Sanam Pudasaini , ... Tesla turbine has advantages of ease of production, versatility and low maintenance. There appear to be many advantages to the Hunstable Electric Turbine, all of which are relevant to electric cars—for example—and perhaps most significant—it would eliminate the need for a reduction gear-set, with its associated weight, cost, space, energy losses, and potential to break. Put stationary disks between the rotating disks. The small-horsepower turbine is designed to be upgraded to a turbo co-generator system in the future, and used in conjunction with our Ultra-clean Burning Waste Oil Furnace to produce emergency heat & electricity. A challenge related to Tesla turbine is low efficiency. Also for its compact size it has the potential to be bolted onto an Ecat reactor into a CAR, producing the first cold fusion car in history (without the need for expensive batteries and infra structure.) His turbine

Wrong. Phys.

PNGinc's Tesla Turbine is a multi-fluid capable boundary layer turbine with 10-inch diameter stainless steel disks. That's because most people think of a turbine as a shaft with blades -- like fan blades -- attached to it. Modern improved and effective design of boundary layer turbine for robust control and efficient production of green energy To cite this article: M Usman Saeed Khan et al 2013 J. Improved 4.5” Tesla Turbine! 439 012043 2 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Meet Environmental Scientist, Ken Reili , CEO of Phoenix Navigation & Guidance, Inc. Rieli and his associates in the popular Phoenix Turbine Builders Club that he founded, have resurrected and improved Tesla’s Turbine design. In the Tesla Turbine, air, steam, oil, or any other fluid is injected at the edge of a series of smooth parallel disks. As Nikola Tesla once explained, his blade-less turbine design can be used for pumps, compressors, wind turbines, and even as combustion engines. This is a new Tesla Turbine design that allows you to start under load. UNITED STATES US1,061,142 Fluid Propulsion, April 29, 1913 US1,061,206 Turbine, May 6, 1913 US1,113,716 Fountain, October 13, 1914 US1,209,359 Speed Indicator, December 19, 1916 US1,329,559 Valvular Conduit, February 3, 1920 US1,266,175 Lightning Protector, May 14, 1918 US1,274,816 Speed Indicator, August 6, 1918 US1,314,718 Ship’s Log, September 2, 1919 … Yes. Fluid used can be steam or water. Reili thinks this technology could become the workhorse of the 21st century, gradually replacing the piston-combustion engine that dominated the 20th.

Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links, and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references. Ser. A tesla turbine design can reach much more efficiency, therefore creating a much larger ROI.

improved tesla turbine