Importance of organizational behaviour Bhaswati Bhattacharyya May 13, 2016. Sociology- It is … We can discuss organizational behavior as a separate subject, but to apply it, we must tie it to the whole reality. It covers a wide array of human resource like behavior, training and development, change management, leadership, teams etc. OB teaches you what makes people make decisions, why employees are not motivated to do what you want them to do and why people are productive or not productive. Furthermore, it is but part of the whole cloth of an organization.
Organisational behaviour has great relevance in today’s business environment. Why Study Organizational Behavior The reason Organizational Behavior studies are uniquely useful for succeeding as a leader of a large business (or other organization). Basically, Regulatory helps to draw what goes on in organizations, possibly to present minor changes that might improve them, but not to make any basic judgment about whether what happens is correct or incorrect. It is a way to improve, not an absolute answer to problems. Organizational behavior shows the important key points as Regulatory, and Radical. Organisational Behaviour and its Role in Management of Business 565 psychological tests are conducted in organisations for selection of employees, measuring personality attributes and ability. Importance of organizational behavior: It is very important to study organizational behavior because it provides an understanding of why people behave as they do in organizations.In any organization, the importance of organizational behavior has tremendous necessities. The first and foremost importance of organizational behavior lies in understanding human behavior. Influencing human behavior is another important aspect of studying organizational behavior. It is impossible to manage people in organization effectively without knowledge about OB, organizational structure, communicational skills, empoyees’ satisfaction, motivation, change process, etc. Organizational Behavior will not abolish conflict and frustration; it can only reduce them. Importance of Organizational Behavior: It builds better relationship by achieving people’s, organizational, and social objectives. Kseniia Derkach Organizational Behavior I believe that the relationship between the study of Organizational Behavior and the effective management of people in organizations is absolutely direct. Studying OB helps to understand and predict organisational life.

Contribution of psychology has enriched the field of organisational behaviour greatly. It also helps to understand the nature and activities of people in an organisation. Understanding the importance of Organisational Behaviour provides direction to the Organisation. This paper discusses the importance of studying organizational behaviour. Discussion A working definition of organizational behaviour is “the systematic study of the nature of organizations: how they begin, grow, and develop, and their effect on individual members, constituent groups, other organizations, and larger institutions” (Kelly & Kelly, 1998, p.5). It brings coordination which is the essence of management.

importance of studying organisational behaviour