Trademark Infringement, Unfair Competition, or Claim of Dilution . First, keep your letter professional. He was sent a copyright infringement form letter from Getty Images demanding $475 in damages, despite the fact that his use of the stock photos fell under statutory fair use. A copyright attorney will identify your defenses and identify non-legal leverage as well as legal leverage to assert that response letter in an attempt to stave off a copyright infringement law suit.

First, verify that your business did infringe. If you have received a letter, or need to send one, please contact us.

Symbus Law Group, LLC, Washington, D.C., United States . Here are some things to check: Was the material used with permission?

A copyright infringement notice follows. Accused Infringers Rarely Push Back: Another issue with the notice system is that accused infringers rarely push back against the requests. Responding to an Infringement Notice. Summary and Outline . Responding to Patent Infringement Notices By Mary J. Hildebrand, William C. Hwang and Jacqueline Klosek Tuesday morning, Bob finally returns to his office after an extremely busy three weeks spent locked up in a conference room closing an outsourcing agree-ment for his employer, CompanyX. Investigate whether your business misused copyrighted materials.

Read the infringement notice carefully. That’s very important that’s what you want to do with the initial response letter. Since copyright law carries penalties of up to $150,000 plus attorneys fees per work infringed, it is important that you contact an attorney to handle any response needed to a copyright cease and desist letter. While it's highly recommended that you consult with a lawyer to respond to a copyright infringement claim, if you do choose to do it yourself, there are two things you need to keep in mind. Mandour & Associates, APC handles copyright infringement cease and desist letters. Second, remember that anything you say can and will be used against you! Janice Housey .

copyright infringement response letter