2. Most British politicians are now trying to crowd into the center. Politicians in Maine report little organized activity by the Perot forces.

Politician in a sentence. Examples of politician in a sentence: 1. It is a politician of those days.

3. The bend-over politician is a liar. A prominent politician had quoted her husband.

Use "politician" in a sentence. He refused to disclose the identity of the politician. 4. 2.

Examples of a politician in a sentence: 1.

The politician drew his speech out until everyone was bored. That made me a practicing politician too! Southern politicians cannot improve it.

The politician is a living being. It's difficult to see politicians in a sentence . Politicians have been urged on by parents desperate for better schools. 296+28 sentence examples: 1.

296+28 sentence examples: 1. The politicians of the day were essentially fighting men. If 13 examples: He was a humble and powerful politician in his times.

Politicians and commentators were almost unanimous in pronouncing Kohl politically dead.

3. 3. He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician. 12 examples: There is scarcely a department which is not run by a general, and where we did… It is a politician of those days.


4. But he was a shrewd politician. 2. Examples of politicians in a sentence: 1.

The banjo band dedicated it to all the politicians out there: People get cynical when politicians say one thing and do another. 2. Politician; But he was also a politician. He's not cut out to be a politician. As a politician he has often court politician in a sentence - Use "politician" in a sentence 1. Examples of civilian politician in a sentence, how to use it. Before the politician was halfway through his speech, the crowd cried him down.

- He was powerful… Examples of powerful politician in a sentence, how to use it.

Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. He would make a good politician—he could talk the hind legs off a donkey!

I was not always a politician. Same way with a politician. 3.



Let the politicians alone.

Politician in a sentence