Legio I Armeniaca was a pseudocomitatensis legion of the Late Roman Empire, probably created in the late 3rd century. Julian the Apostate.

This legion is mentioned in the late-antique text known as Notitia Dignitatum. Most Likely that Armenian First Legion was formed in 2nd or 3rd centuries A.D. in Western part of Armenia and had mission to protect that Armenian lands from intrusion. This Legion is mentioned in the late-antique text known as Notitia Dignitatum. Its name means "the Armenian legion".

Legio I Armeniaca (Kentañ Lejion eus Armenia) a oa bet savet, war a seblant, e-kerzh an III e kantved evit difenn bro Armenia.. Istor.

Its name could mean it was garrisoned in the Roman province of Armenia, but later, together with its twin, I Armeniaca, it was moved into the field army as a pseudocomitatensis legion.

The Roman Empire was the post-Roman Republic period of the ancient Roman civilization. Legio I Armeniaca: one of the legions of the later Roman empire. Il nome della legione potrebbe riferirsi ad una permanenza nella provincia dell'Armenia, ma l'unità fu in seguito spostata, insieme alla legione gemella I Armeniaca, nell'esercito campale. La Legio II Armeniaca ("dall'Armenia") fu una legione romana pseudocomitatense del tardo impero. Legio I Armeniaca was a pseudocomitatensis legion of the Late Roman Empire, probably created in the late 3rd century.. mendean sortutako erromatar legio bat izan zen. Legio II Armeniaca Legio II Armeniaca (from Armenia) was a legion of the late Roman Empire. ** OUTSTANDING ** Ancient Roman Silver LEGIONARY ring ** LEGIO I ARMENIACA ** - $61.82. The name of the legion could refer to it being originally part of the garrison of the Armeniac provinces, but the unit, together with its twin legion II Armeniaca, appears to have been included in the imperial field army.. Legio II Armeniaca (from Armenia) was a legion of the late Roman Empire.. Its name could mean it was garrisoned in the Roman province of Armenia, but later, together with its twin, I Armeniaca, it was moved into the field army as a pseudocomitatensis legion. Media in category "Legio II Armeniaca" This category contains only the following file. Ne ouzer ket resis pegoulz na dindan peseurt impalaer eo bet savet al lejion-se, mes war a seblant e oa e-kerzh en III e kantved.

Legio II "Armeniaca" ("from Armenia") was a legion of the late Roman Empire.. Its name could mean it was garrisoned in the Roman province of Armenia, but later, together with its twin, I "Armeniaca", it was moved into the field army as a "pseudocomitatensis" legion.The legion is reported to have built a camp in Satala (CIL II 13630, through Ritterling's "Legio"). Ruled by emperors, it had large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Caucasus. Legio II Armeniaca; Mota: Erromatar legio: Herrialdea: Antzinako Erroma: Legio seconda Armeniaca (euskaraz: «Armeniar Bigarren Legioa») III. 360an Bezabden zegoen Xapur II.aren setioa borrokatuz.. Kanpo estekak Although they were attached to the comitatus , they enjoyed lower status and pay to the comitatenses , the regular regiments of the comitatus . Legio I Armeniaca was a pseudocomitatensis legion of the Late Roman Empire, probably created in the late 3rd century. Pseudocomitatenses were a class of regiment in the Late Roman army.

Legio II Armeniaca (from Armenia) was a legion of the late Roman Empire.. Its name could mean it was garrisoned in the Roman province of Armenia, but later, together with its twin, I Armeniaca, it was moved into the field army as a pseudocomitatensis legion. Legio II Armeniaca (from Armenia) was a legion of the late Roman Empire. Legio I Armeniaca was a pseudocomitatensis legion of the Late Roman Empire, probably created in the late 3rd century..

The legion is reported to have built a camp in Satala (CIL II 13630, through Ritterling's Legio). ** OUTSTANDING ** Ancient Roman Silver LEGIONARY ring ** LEGIO I ARMENIACA ** inner diameter 16x19mm 6.12gr Legio I Armeniaca was a pseudocomitatensis legion of the Late Roman Empire, probably created in the late 3rd century.The name of the legion could refer to it being originally part of …

Legio I Armeniaca