Countries of the World > Ethnicity and Race by Countries ; Cite. It means the Population of USA has been increased by 17 Million in seven years i.e. The US prison system is the main source of punishment and …

It wasn't until the early 19th century that the world population reached its first big milestone: 1 billion people.

US Population by Race 2018: Population of United States has crossed the mark of 325 Million in July 2017 as against recorded 308.745 Million in US Census 2010. Ethnicity and Race by Countries. US Population by Race – Population of United States by Race and Ethnicity as per US Census 2010 is 308,745,538 i.e.

US Prison Population By Race.

Here is a general breakdown of the World's population by race, which apparently also broadly outlines general economic power, since races seem to occupy individual nations which tend to work together more easily: Men and non-Asian minorities in the United States are far more likely to end up behind bars than females and White and Asian Americans. from 2010 to 2017. To get a rough estimate, we need to generalize a little: Caucasians are found mainly in Europe (750,000,000), America (900,000,000), and Oceania (40,000,000).

What are your definitions of races? 308.745 Million.

Over the next hundred years, the population of the world doubled, reaching 2 billion in the late 1920s.

Then, as the industrial revolution took hold and living standards improved, the rate of population growth increased considerably. By Amber Pariona on July 18 2019 in Society. The southwestern state of Arizona has the highest Native American population in the country, with 296,732 residents identifying themselves as Native American (higher than any other race in the state apart from white). This is followed by Oklahoma (286,231), California (285,512), New Mexico (193,295) and Texas (128,145).

population by race world