Originally founded in Indianapolis, Indiana by Reverend Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple spread a message that combined elements of Christianity with communist and socialist ideology, with an emphasis on racial equality. On November 18, 1978, over 900 members of the Peoples Temple died in what appeared to be a mass suicide, drinking Flavor-Aid laced with cyanide and other drugs. On November 18, 1978, Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones instructed all members living in the Jonestown, Guyana compound to commit an act of "revolutionary suicide," by drinking poisoned punch. The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, commonly shortened to Peoples Temple, was an American new religious movement which existed between 1955 and 1978.

Popular Peoples Temple & Jonestown videos . Background of the Peoples Temple: This was a Christian destructive, doomsday cult founded and led by James Warren Jones (1931-1978).

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In all, 918 people died that day, nearly a third of whom were children. The death toll exceeded 900, making it one of the largest mass deaths in American history. Dead bodies lie around the compound of the People's Temple cult Nov. 18, 1978 after the over 900 members of the cult, led by Reverend Jim Jones, died … Jones was born on May 13, 1931 in Indiana. Jim Jones held degrees from Indiana University and Butler University. Sponsored link. The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, better known by its informal name "Jonestown", was a remote settlement established by the Peoples Temple, a cult under the leadership of Jim Jones, in Guayana Esequiba, a disputed territory in northwestern Guyana claimed by Venezuela.. 2017-04-04T13:59:26.000Z. CIA killed congressman Leo Ryan and the others on the airstrip and wanted the massacre to happen in Jonestown. In 1965, Jones moved his family and the Peoples Temple to the Redwood Valley in California, based on recommendations from an article in Esquire suggesting places to survive a … For people like Laura Johnston Kohl, Jim Jones' Peoples Temple was ripe with potential. Articles and Research by Laurie Efrein Kahalas (1998-2019) IN PLAIN SIGHT: Proof that it was NOT Peoples Temple that killed the congressman. The People's Temple, led by James Warren (Jim) Jones.

As the 1960s was a great awakening for those who were politically inclined, there was an unprecedented urge for people to come together, especially when certain figureheads — like JFK or MLK — for the dreams of societal change were murdered. Loading... Save Peoples Temple/Jonestown as part of MK ULTRA mind control experiment, Jones as a CIA operative. Hundreds of newspapers around the nation printed articles on November 20, 1978 describing former members who claimed they’d been brainwashed while under the undue influence of Peoples Temple or attributing brainwashing to the tragedy that occurred at Jonestown. When most people hear of mind control and brainwashing, they often think about the tragedy wrought by Jim Jones.

Jim Jones was the cult leader of the Peoples Temple. Jonestown, location of the mass murder-suicide of the California-based Peoples Temple cult at the behest of their charismatic but paranoid leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown agricultural commune, Guyana, on November 18, 1978.

peoples temple video