You will return to see Dr. Berschback for your post-op visit about 10-14 days after surgery. In the vast majority of cases after surgery, the snapping, locking or clicking of the finger (thumb) is removed.

TRIGGER FINGER . After the injection, you may have numbness in your finger… "Trigger finger" is a common condition affecting the tendons that flex the fingers or thumb, as they pass into the tunnel system, or "tendon sheath" in the hand. Trigger finger surgery is usually effective, and the problem is unlikely to happen again after surgery. Is the operation done in a longstanding case with preoperative incomplete stretching of finger middle joint, can permanently after the operation (or for a longer period) remain a reduction of stretching at the middle joint! Numbness, tingling, and loss of sensation after trigger finger surgery … This feeling will probably get better in a few days, but it may take several months to completely go away. The complications were ex-amined according to the level of training of the primary surgeon. I had trigger finger, right thumb, release surgery almost 12 weeks ago. I also worked a lot by myself as the therapist instucted me. Then, if surgery was successful, you may begin to feel more sensation as inflammation and swelling from your procedure improve. Foul-smelling discharge after trigger finger surgery is a sign of infection. No recurrence of trigger-ing, digital nerve injuries, ulnar drift, or A2 pulley injuries occurred in this series.

The symptoms usually clear within a few weeks. Patients should also be aware of a small risk of nerve damage in surgery, as the hand nerves run close to the tendons . A trigger finger is a condition of the flexor tendons of the finger and the A1 pulley 4. The tendon sheath becomes thickened, and the tendon itself may develop a swelling, or "nodule". Releasing Trigger Finger A common nerve disorder that often appears alongside carpal tunnel syndrome is trigger finger, where swelling of the tendons of the index finger or thumb results in soreness or locking of the digit in a flexed position. It results in pain and a clicking or triggering sensation of the finger after the finger is flexed. You may feel numbness or tingling near the cut, called an incision, that the doctor made. The flexor tendons move the the finger joints when the muscle is contracted in the forearm.

It may be hard to move your finger at first. Thorpe2 reported on the complication rate of trigger finger release in Australia. One week ago, she told me that she cannot improve my situation anymore and sent me back to the doctor who made the surgery. Friends, I had my trigger finger surgery 2 months ago and did a lot of excercises with a physical therapist after that. The injection will be given in the area of maximum tenderness. Hand surgeons only perform trigger finger surgery after noninvasive treatments have not worked. But trigger finger only recurs in about 3 percent of people after either open surgery or percutaneous release.

The purpose of the injection is to eliminate the catching, locking, and pain caused by trigger finger. The finger cannot be extended and is locked in flexion. Patients should also be aware of a small risk of nerve damage in surgery, as the hand nerves run close to the tendons. If you had numbness before your surgery, it may be worse after surgery, especially if that was the reason for your surgery. • When can I use my hand? The complications were ex-amined according to the level of training of the primary surgeon. That percentage is likely higher for people who have diabetes. This usually gets better after several weeks.

numbness after trigger finger surgery