Although Flemish is not the only language spoken in Belgium, it has a wealth of diverse dialects which have created some unique expressions.

The price of snow stuff has come down a lot as South America exports more of it. Snowfall (n) amount of snow that falls during a specific period of time. and snowball and snowflakes and snow stuff n. a powdered or crystalline narcotic: morphine, heroin, or cocaine. Snowflake (n) a particle of snow. When literally translated into English, these expressions often yield unexpected and hilarious results. Learn more. About 10,000 people living on the Eastern side of Belgium (cities of Eupen, Malmedy, St Vith) speak German. (Now almost always the latter.) The three official languages are therefore French, Dutch and German. snowing meaning: 1. present participle of snow 2.

and snowball and snowflakes and snow stuff n. a powdered or crystalline narcotic: morphine, heroin, or cocaine. If it snows, snow falls from the sky: 3. to be unable to travel…. A cold snap. (Now almost always the latter.) Heavy snowfall warnings for Belgium, in turn, are divided into three levels (orange, red, violet) that comply whith the expected depth of fresh snow. This expression is used to say that you can leave your house or the area where you live because of the snow. Brussels is somewhat 1/2 & 1/2, very few people speak 'Brusseils' (a mix of French and Dutch - you are likely to find them in the neighborhood Les Marolles) and many people in Brussels speak English. (Now almost always the latter.) (Now almost always the latter.) We were snowed in for three days when … Heavy snowfall watches for Belgium are issued if heavy snowfalls are probable but there are uncertainties about duration, intensity and/or the course of them.

Cold/Snow vocabulary. The price of snow stuff has come down a lot as South America exports more of it. a sudden period of extreme cold weather. To settle (snow) verb that snow does when it falls on the ground and stays.

snowing or belgium expression