Kubernetes 可以运行在 OpenStack 上。 Kubernetes 的好处,推荐来自浙大的这篇文章: 请注意,容器技术圈已迈入后Kubernetes时代! Mesos 牛叉在于数据中心资源统一管理,可以为多个框架分配资源,但不负责调度,可视为分布式操作系统内核,也可以部署在 OpenStack 上,也支持物理资源。 There is always a perceived competition between OpenStack and containers such as Kubernetes but in reality, these two giants in open source technology can be a great … みなさん、こんにちは。昨年末より定期開催している「レッドハット 朝活セミナー(OpenShift Enterprise 特集 – OpenShift & OpenStack を活用したDevOps)」では、OpenStackとDockerを組みあわせてAnsibleで自動化する、というデモを実施しています … While OpenStack is widely known as a private cloud platform, you can access the same open infrastructure immediately from dozens of … For some context: Sardina is an award-winning company headquartered in London that developed a technology to automate HPC operations in large-scale cloud data centers, … UPDATED on 30.8.2019: Added information on CodeReady Containers for running single OpenShift node. 10 most important differences between OpenShift and Kubernetes 16 minute read UPDATED on 10.6.2019 (after the release of OpenShift 4.1): Added information on OpenShift 4. Many people are trying to figure out how containers and Kubernetes fit in with OpenStack. Kubernetes是基于容器Docker构建一个容器的调度服务。该系统可以自动在一个容器集群中选择一个工作容器供使用。也是一个将众多容器抽象为一台机器这样的服务。 OpenStack是云计算平台,提供IaaS的服务。 这两者 Here’s the perspective of Sardina Systems’ Mihaela Constantinescu. In 2016, the OpenStack community aimed to reshape OpenStack in Google’s image, containerizing OpenStack services and managing them in Kubernetes. OpenStack supports the largest number of enterprise storage and networking systems today, and running Kubernetes with OpenStack allows you to seamless integrate containers into your environment.

openstack vs kubernetes