Craig Holliday, a Non Dual teacher and therapist, speaks of his negative side effects from a kundalini awakening. Most people describe side effects of "Kundalini Awakening". Kundalini inhabits a sort of alternative physiology that correlates to the human nervous system. Negative Impact of Kundalini Yoga. According to … How to manage Kundalini awakening side effects: If you are going through a full blown awakening you will know what it feels like to have too much Kundalini energy running through your body. Unfortunately, not everyone is prepared for the influx of Kundalini energy, which can result in some pretty unpleasant physical and psychological side effects. Kundalini Awakening Gone Wrong.

I’d especially like to see an article on the enormous damage that can be caused by ‘kundalini’ effects.” My thanks to KF for giving me this opportunity to blog about the extreme dangers of Kundalini yoga and the kundalini “awakening” that it is designed to bring about. The Kundalini awakening is an experience that couldn’t be compared to anything. Anatomy of the Yogic Body. TM-style meditation, centering prayer and yoga.

It can overwhelm your nervous system, like an over flow of electricity, and can leave you feeling unbalanced and depleted, wired but tired. As far I can tell its just unintentional side effect from kundalini high spiritual level where people get to … On its way to the brain, according to Swami Vivekananda in his book "Raja Yoga," the energy unlocks layer after layer of the mind, freeing it from its past negative karma, resulting in beautiful visions and many powers over mind and matter. Kundalini yoga seeks to awaken this raw energy for spiritual advancement. Others find this awakening through yoga, but there is not just one correct method.

In the West, most of the yoga taught focuses on the physical aspects. When the Kundalini is freed, it rushes up to the brain through the a hollow tube in the spinal cord called the Sushumna. Kundalini yoga has a reputation for being more dangerous than other types of yoga. Unpleasant side effects of Kundalini awakening. Because the chakra energies of each person is different, there are varying side effects of the Kundalini awakening. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word for "coiled" and represents a powerful source of mystic energy in Hindu philosophy. He recounts the bliss but educates his audiences about preventing the dangers that he became victim to such as convulsions, seizures, and loss of … Kundalini is about spiritual awakening, which attracts more intense experience and often more intense seekers.

kundalini yoga side effects