IMAGES and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own terms and conditions and they may or may not be available for reuse. The black marlin (M. indica) grows as large or larger than the blue. The Blue Marlin is found throughout tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. In Australia Blue Marlin are recorded from most tropical and subtropical marine waters. Marlin are bony fish (Class Osteichthyes). The information (TEXT ONLY) provided by the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Abstract.

An Indo-Pacific species, it is blue or blue gray above and lighter below; its distinctive, stiff pectoral fins are set at an angle and cannot be flattened against the body without force. There are four species of marlin (Istiophoridae): blue (Makaira nigricans), black (M. indica), striped (Tetrapterus audux) and white (T. albidus).All are large, pelagic, predatory teleosts that range the warm temperate and tropical oceans. Those of the Striped Marlin, Tetrapturus audax, are more leaf-shaped. Opened in 2006, The Black Marlin Bayside Grill offers the island’s best selection of fresh seafood, delicious hand-cut steaks and is home of the Hurricane Bar. BLACK marlin (recently reclassified as Istiompax indica, after formerly being known as Makaira indica) are considered by many authorities to be amongst the world's premiere game fish.They certainly have size on their side, with the all tackle world record black marlin weighing in at 1560lb (707.6kg) taken by Alfred Glassell way back in 1953 off Cabo Blanco, Peru. This majestic creature lives in temperate and tropical waters of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean. It is known to reach a weight of more than 700 kg (1,500 pounds). Distribution. All the species of Marlin are active predators and are very fast swimming.

The International Game Fish Association lists the world record for the species at 1,560 pounds, caught in 1953 by Alfred Glassell, Jr. while fishing off Cabo Blanco, Peru. There are several species including the Black, White and Blue Marlin (shown here). The strikingly beautiful blue marlin is the largest of the Atlantic marlins and one of the biggest fish in the world. In contrast, the curved pectoral fins of the Black Marlin cannot be depressed. Blue marlin is able to swim close to the surface of the water, or to dive to the great depths while it searches for food. Black marlin are one of the largest bony fish in the world, and are one of the top predators of the seas. Read more about us » Directions Blue marlin is a fish that can be easily recognized. They possess special adaptations that qualify them as fast swimming active predators.

black marlin adaptations