The main benefit of facing your fears is easy to spot.

Fear can be your friend in just the right doses, but too much of it can kill you. Anxiety is a more serious condition. Research has found that acting courageously requires an understanding of one's own anxieties and limitations -- denial of fear does not support courageous action -- and then choosing to work through them.

Know That Fear Is Real, but Can Be Overcome. If you find that your fear holds you back or creates bigger problems in your life, facing your fear may help you learn to better cope with the fear and ultimately overcome it. You’re no longer so scared of that thing! The benefits of a life without fear hardly have to be stated.

Feelings of fear, worry or stress can be upsetting, but they usually pass when the cause of your stress is gone.

It is common to be anxious in a high pressure situation; for example, before you make a speech or sit an exam.

But there is much more we can gain from staring fear in the face. Fear that I pray my children and I will never experience. It's difficult to conquer your fears if you're unable to be honest with yourself in the first place about what exactly those fears are. If you’ve been terrified of airplanes your whole l I’m sure we can all agree that if we could find a way to live at peace, the benefits would be incalculable.

Lead 17 Inspiring Quotes to Help You Face Your Fears Anxiety can stop you in your tracks and hold you back. The Benefits of Fear Fear is not always a bad thing. How Facing Your Fears Can Help You Succeed Fearlessness is overrated: Fear is a powerful business asset, not the liability we're led to believe. Does that lessen my fears or your fears in your relativity safe 21st century life?

Yes, it’s very tough. Right now around the world, people are facing fear — real fear. It can sometimes move us to greatness.

The Surprising Benefit of Facing Your Fears. fizkes / Getty Images Common ways of facing your fears are evaluating the risks, creating an action plan, seeing a therapist, and being sure not to completely avoid your fears.

Acknowledge your fears. Here's how to face what scares you for … 1.

It's not easy to face your fears and push through them, but it's essential. Benefits of Facing Your Fears. In this article, I will share with you 13 tips to face your fears and enjoy the ride.

SHARE: twitter; facebook; pinterest When it comes to MMA fighting, a lot of people might not realise what it takes to be a contender in the sport. Sometimes, we have to face it over and over again in order to chip away at our fear. You won’t need too much help fighting your fears here, because they don’t last long. 16.09.15 Grow Blog SumoSalad. But in order to achieve peace, we have to find a way to deal with our fear.

benefits of facing your fears