To prevent an adductor strain, warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before you begin your workout. The adductors simply aren’t as glamorous to stretch as the hamstrings, calves or quads, and some of us may not even know what the adductors are! Remember not to stretch to the point of pain to avoid damaging your muscles. It works with other adductors and muscles in your hip and legs to move your hip joints and legs in different directions, such as hip adduction, abduction, flexion, extension and rotation. Adductor Magnus is a broad triangular muscle[1] forming a septum which divides the anterior muscles from the posterior aspect of the thigh. These muscles include the pectineus, gracilis, adductor longus, brevis, and magnus. It is the largest muscle in the medial compartment. The main action of these muscles is to pull the leg inward. Hold stretch. Lying Adductor Magnus Stretch. Stretch as far forward as possible without bending your knees. Finally, they are used in flexion and extension of the thigh when running or against resistance. Distal to piriformis muscle the nerve lies sandwiched between the gemelli, quadratus femoris, and adductor magnus muscles anteriorly and gluteus maximus muscle posteriorly. When this is the case this “Adductor Lunge” stretch can be a great way to help restore this motion. The adductor stretch will involve the group of muscles that has a considerably large muscle mass. The adductor magnus is the largest muscle in the adductor group of your inner thighs. Responsible for drawing your leg into the midline of your body, the adductor longus works with the adductors brevis and magnus and is located on the inside of your thigh. Adductor stretches target the group of muscles on the inside of the thigh including the groin.

You may also find a wall helpful as a prop while sitting upright. Instructions Preparation. In the infragluteal location the sciatic nerve lies over adductor magnus muscle and is crossed obliquely in the mediolateral direction by the long head of the biceps femoris. Bend forward from your hip joint, keeping your back straight. Adductor Lunge Stretch. The adductor longus, like the other adductor muscles, originates on your pubis and inserts onto your femur. Are you looking to nail that middle split? Lie supine on floor or mat. We have the adductor brevis, longus, and magnus that enables us to increase flexibility so you can go deeper into your split.

The adductor longus, like the other adductor muscles, originates on your pubis and inserts onto your femur. Stretches can improve flexibility of the adductors. Stretching Exercises for the Adductor Magnus By Ashley Miller ... Long Adductor Stretch Sit on the floor with your legs stretched as wide apart as possible, feet flexed and toes pointing up toward the ceiling. The Adductor Magnus muscle is one of six muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh. Today we will be focusing on 11 adductor longus stretches to help you work towards your goals. In addition to limiting hip abduction, tight adductors (especially the adductor magnus) can restrict hip flexion.

Begin kneeling on the floor in a lunge position. However, it’s only up until recently that I’ve decided to take the time to tackle this issue seriously. If you have very tight inner thighs you may find it helpful to use a wall to stretch them while laying supine. The adductor magnus is a large triangular muscle, situated on the medial side of the thigh.. > Directory > Adductor Magnus > Stretch . Execution. Raise knees and grasp back of thighs behind knees. It lies deep to the adductor brevis and the adductor longus.

These muscles work to pull the thigh inward, hold you on a horse and to stabilize the pelvis when weight bearing. Adductor stretches (or stretches for the inner thighs) include both bent knee and straight knee positions. There is a greater use of them in sports such as soccer, where the adductors are used in kicking a soccer ball with the inside of the foot.

Then you need to stretch out your adductors. I’ve always had tight adductor muscles throughout my life. Adductor Stretch and Release Techniques: How to Fix Tight Adductor Muscles. What Are The Adductors? Pull knee toward shoulders or to side of torso while keeping opposite leg on floor. The adductor group is made up of four muscles: pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, and adductor magnus. There are a number of stretches for adductor longus that also stretch the adductors brevis and magnus to a greater or lesser degree. The adductor muscles along your inner thighs can become tight if you sit a lot -- particularly if you cross your legs. It consists of two parts. Include gentle stretches, jumping jacks, and brisk walking.

adductor magnus stretch