All you have to do is get the book and send me proof of purchase. I can relate. When we speak of Masonry, we need to speak of the occult, kabbalah (cabala), black … Writing in his 1968 book John Dee, Scientist, geographer, astrologer and secret agent to Elizabeth I, author Richard Deacon was under no illusions that Dee was indeed the original 007, even calling him “a roving James Bond of Tudor times” who enjoyed an active relationship with Elizabeth’s own “spymaster”, Francis Walsingham. The queen herself signed her letters to Dee as “M.” John Dee, Agent 007, Masons, Israel and Black Magik (Masons). ... he wrote his signature “007.” because he was the head of MI5, British secret service comes at the end of the Tudor dynasty in the 15th century. I'm offering a FREE class on Angelic & Enochian Magick to anybody who picks up John Dee and the Empire of Angels by April 21. John_Dee_007 10 points 11 points 12 points 10 months ago . The following article is an excerpt from the Ultraculture original dossier The Angelic Reformation: John Dee, Enochian Magick and the Occult Roots of Empire.The ebook, which is only $2.99 on Amazon (free if you have Kindle Unlimited), explores the life and magick of one of the most pivotal figures not just in the history of the occult, but in the history of the world. In the article “Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee: the Original 007", we can read:"Dr. Dee's learning was far and wide, a brilliant mathematician, whose study ranged from geo-cartography and calculus which was vital in navigating the New World for explorers, to astrology, alchemy, the Cabala, cypher writing, religion, architecture, and science. Exploring Dee’s influence on Sir Francis Bacon, the development of modern science, 17th-century Rosicrucianism, the 19th-century occult revival, and 20th-century occultists such as Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, and Anton LaVey, Louv shows how John Dee continues to impact science and the occult to this day. Ian Flemming the author of James Bond was a member of the secret service, and when he retired he wrote about his organization. But if you miss out, you miss out—this class will only be offered once! posted by bibleprobe, Mass., 02.10.2007. Michael Tsarion – John Dee and The Macrobes. Masonic plan to reveal their Messiah on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Dislocated knee > knee reconstruction > 9 months recovery. Perhaps the above information could be included with the caveat that the evidence for it is scant, and even the explanation of why the notion exists in the first place. John Dee (13 July 1527 – 1608 or 1609) was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I.He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.He was also an advocate of England’s imperial expansion into a “British Empire“, a term he is generally credited with coining. The code 007 (a sacred numerological code) was that of the magician and occultist Dr. John Dee from the 16th century—the infamous mystic and spy of the realm for Queen Elizabeth.

True, but the notion that John Dee was the original 007 is well-known, see for example on

john dee 007