2005, in a study called "COMPARISON OF MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION USING THE SMITH MACHINE AND FREE WEIGHTS FOR BENCH PRESS AND SQUAT EXERCISES" it states very clearly: "The FW bench press was significantly greater … The Smith machine is about the most misunderstood piece of gym equipment. Don’t knock the Smith machine until you try these 8 great exercises. The machine can be used for a wide variety of exercises though it is most commonly used to perform "Smith machine squats". How does it make lifting easier? It consists of a barbell that is fixed within steel rails allowing only vertical or near-vertical movement. If a person is hesitant to squat or bench, the Smith Machine serves a big purpose once again in providing a sense of safety and security, all while still being able to get a good workout in. The biggest reason so many serious athletes and body builders hate Smith machines though, is that this device makes lifting easier. In some cases, the Smith machine itself has a counterweight that reduces the weight of the bar, and often there is no way to know by how much. If your goal is to work specific muscle groups, the smith machine is the better option. The Smith machine is a weight machine used for weight training. Because an Olympic bar is attatched to the machine does not make this a free weight piece. EDIT: Fuck your downvotes, here's actual studies showing it to be the case.
EDIT: Fuck your downvotes, here's actual studies showing it to be the case. Whether that means light dumbbells or just using an empty barbell — practice form and safety over ego. The reason is this piece only allows movement in a fixed plane of motion. Essentially just know that it's slightly easier to use a smith machine. It takes away from the purpose of lifting free weights in the first place. 2005, in a study called "COMPARISON OF MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION USING THE SMITH MACHINE AND FREE WEIGHTS FOR BENCH PRESS AND SQUAT EXERCISES" it states very clearly: "The FW bench press was significantly greater (16%) than the SM … Some Smith machines have the barbell counterbalanced. Not only is the path of the bar different in both exercises, but the weight of the bar and the safety of each exercise is also different. We talked an expert to discuss why the Smith machine may actually be worth your while. Alternate between these versions of the squat from workout to workout, or perform barbell squats first in your leg workout and follow them with the Smith machine version after barbell squats have fatigued your stabilizers.
If you are trying to increase strength and power, you don’t want to make the moves easier. I still do, but I used to too. Admittedly, it can make for dangerous and unnatural squatting and pressing, but with just a few tweaks it can also be an excellent hypertrophy tool while providing a nice change of pace Smith Machine Bench Press Benefits — Doing What is Best For You Lastly, remember, if you have injuries or are unsure about your abilities, then go light. A regular barbell would not only move straight up and down, but forward and backward, which is the more natural movement found in the bench press. The bar path itself is different since you do …

is smith machine easier