Is being a nurse very stressfull? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Being tripled constantly has driven a ton of nurses away so it's only worse now. You have to do a perfect job every time. With a focus on the issues facing their immediate community, Public Health Nurses enjoy one of the least stressful nursing jobs, since working with patients is only a small part of the job. As a nurse, people rely on you. It really all depends on your personality and niche in nursing. It's very stressful, but it is worth it. So tiring but gratifying! I know nurses make good money and im a caring person so I would like to help people but is the job very stressful? Be the first to get new content, exclusive features and great discounts from the Scrubs Mag team. Example of a stressful situation: I'm on L&D for a 12 hour shift, and the MD I can't stand is covering. You have to do a perfect job every time. The first time a nurse makes a medication error and the first time a patient dies in her care are two situations Anderson highlights as stressful for nursing professionals. slams face into brick wall I feel she is sharpening the scalpel for this patient, even though I think the patient can do it. It means compassion and patience, empathy and sensitivity. To compare nursing to teaching is ludicrous. Nurses are leaders. However, the level of stress can be managed better than it currently is. You never really know what another person does unless you can walk in their shoes. Also, don’t forget to share the article on your favorite social media channel.

I loved being a midwife but bullying, stress and fear made me resign I am tired of the paperwork, the audits, the inspections and the nights on the … What trumps the loss of control in your opinion? [show_more more=”Show References” less=”Hide References” …

That’s why it’s crucial for nurses to practice good self-care and learn to take care of themselves. It can be stressful but it can be challenging and enjoyable as well! 6. Nursing is a zero tolerance profession. Post Views: 3,089. Two-thirds of nurses ‘consider quitting’ due to stress, says RCN 02 September, 2013 By The Press Association Almost two-thirds of nurses have considered quitting their jobs in the last 12 months because they are so stressed, a survey has found. It’s that ability to help keep a patient’s loved one calm, even in the most stressful of situations. But administration states "we want your feedback on what we can do better."

Every profession has it's pros and cons. They also focus on strategic ways to support the public, provide education, and … So it’s important for you to take care of yourself in order to take care of others – your patients, family, and friends. The sheer anxiety of contracting a disease, especially in the face of rising resistance, can also play on a nurse’s mind.

As well, many nurses face exposure to infection and toxic substances on a regular basis. Solutions lie in a combination of institutional, societal, and individual approaches. I look at other professions that may be less stressful, but I'm not interested in doing any of them. While it may be stressful, people's lives are not at risk or you are not being forced to commit medicare fraud and abuse on a routine basis. What do you think is the #1 stressful thing about being a nurse? Nursing is a zero tolerance profession. As mentioned earlier, being a nurse can be stressful.

is being a nurse stressful