You can use Snapchat users to search with their names. to Find People on Snapchat. All you need to do is scan the Snapcode using the app and voila, it is done! If you do not have it, then scan the same ... 2. This feature works like; Step 1: First of all check whether your friend has Add Nearby feature activated or not. 4. Find Someone On Snapchat Using URL A unique URL is attached to every user, and when you open this URL in your phone the main window will get opened, giving you an option to add friends. Follow the below steps to get …

Use Snapcode to Find Friends. Unlike Instagram, you can add people on Snapchat if you get their Snapcode. Use Phone No. You can easily find someone on Snapchat without username by using the nearby location of your contacts. I was actually typing this post to tell you, you CAN'T find their username…but it turns out you actually CAN! It is a cakewalk to find someone on Snapchat if you have his Snapcode. I have good news!

Follow the best steps to use Snapchat URL to add friends.
Plus, You can also download the yellow app and use it to know the Snapchat user name once you both like each other. Here's a step by step guide on retrieving their name :) with pictures Step one: Open Snapchat and go to settings. Steps Find Someone on Snapchat Without Username or Number 1. How do you find people you know on Snapchat? Use “Quick Add” Feature to Find Friends.
1. 3. Use Snapcode to Find Someone on Snapchat. Ask for your friends Snapchat URL. How to Find Someone on Snapchat without their Usernames? With the “Find Nearby” feature, you can find friends who have enabled find nearby on their Snapchat account. You can find someone by their phone number if you do not have their username.

how to find someone on snapchat without their username