I’m not sure what was intended by that question. In 2016, Trump won enough states to get 306 electors out of 538 total. There are still not enough votes for Trump, but Biden does not hit the 270 threshold in the Electoral College to be elected president. The number of votes Trump will receive in December, should the electors follow protocol, is 279.

With a some votes still being counted, former First Lady Mrs Clinton has racked up 59.6 million votes compared to Mr Trump's 59.4 million.. Maine’s system of allocating electoral votes during presidential elections differs from most other states. Two of the electors didn’t vote for him, so he ended up with 304, well over the 270 needed to be elected president. Based on the popular vote, how many electoral votes did Donald Trump get? Donald Trump received 10 electoral votes, receiving 1,594,511 votes to Hillary Clinton's 1,071,068 votes, winning Missouri. Many Americans wonder why Donald Trump became president after the 2016 election, since Hillary Clinton got more votes overall. Many Americans wonder why Donald Trump became president after the 2016 election, since Hillary Clinton got more votes overall. At the US election held on 8 November 2016, Donald Trump won the Electoral College by 306 Electoral Votes (EVs), to 232 EVs for Hillary Clinton. Dave Wasserman of Cook Political Report has provided a spreadsheet with all the vote totals, which show that Clinton ended up beating Donald Trump by over 2.8 million votes. In fact, Clinton got … Wyoming, South Dakota and Oklahoma each get a vote. In fact, Clinton got as many votes in 2016 as Barack Obama did in 2012. There are still not enough votes for Trump, but Biden does not hit the 270 threshold in the Electoral College to be elected president. But Mr …

One electoral vote is awarded to the candidate who wins the popular vote in each of Maine’s two congressional districts. Meanwhile, Clinton lost a few states by under 100,000 votes (for example, Pennsylvania went … As of 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time, the Associated Press reported that Trump had amassed the necessary 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. Although Clinton won more almost 3 million more votes than Trump, many of those votes were "wasted" - for example, in California there were 4 million more votes for the Democrats than the Republicans, so those 4 million were wasted - California already sent all of its Electoral College Delegates to vote for Clinton. His final tally was 301 electoral votes to … New York, California and Illinois each get a vote. Seven electors voted for someone other than their party’s candidate. Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College with 304 votes compared to 227 votes for Hillary Clinton. The problem for Trump is that his margins in the states that put him over the top in 2016 were much tighter than the close states representing the next 31 electoral votes for Clinton. Despite being trounced in the Electoral College (), Hillary Clinton won the popular vote over Donald Trump, but by how much?Well, after all the controversy, outrage and failed recount attempts, the numbers are finally all in. The 2020 election now goes to the House of Representatives, where every state gets a single vote.

how many electoral votes did trump get