Almost all weather is in this region. Earth's circumference (the distance all the way around the equator) is 24,901 miles (40,075 kilometers). It’s 78 million kilometres (78,000,000 km) from Earth to Mars, and it’s 4350 million kilometres (4,350,000,000 km) to Neptune. As our instruments of observation continue to improve the distances we can see continue to shatter all previous estimates of the age and origin of the universe. The Earth's total land surface area is about 57 million square miles. Fun Fact : Earth's inner core is growing in size by 1mm per year. Because Earth is not completely spherical, its mean radius is 3,959 miles, and its equatorial diameter is 7,926 miles.

Its diameter (the distance from one side to the other through Earth's center) is 7,926 miles (about 12,756 kilometers). Earth has a mass of about 6.6 sextillion tons and a volume of about 260 billion cubic miles / 1 trillion cubic kilometers. Each square on the map is 4 cm by 4 cm (16 cm 2) and represents 1 km 2 on the surface of the earth.

By the fifth century BCE, the Greeks had firmly established that the earth was a sphere.Although they knew it was a sphere, they didn't know how big the sphere was. In the Metric System, one kilometer equals 1000 meters and one meter equals 100 centimeters. Earth is a terrestrial planet and … Similarly, the Earth's equatorial circumference is 24,902 miles. This is known as the meridional circumference. The Earth is so big that if it were hallowed, almost 50 moons could fit inside it. Troposphere The troposphere starts at the Earth's surface and extends 8 to 14.5 kilometers high (5 to 9 miles). It even makes up 99% of the entire mass of the solar system. Medieval city centres Dividing this earth's circumference (the distance all the way around equator) is 24,901 miles (40,075 kilometers). Eventually, the entire outer core will solidify as part of the inner core. The philosopher Plato (400 BCE) declared the earth's circumference to be 64,412 kilometers (40,000 miles).Some 150 years later, the mathematician Archimedes estimated it to be 48,309 kilometers …

Earth radius is the distance from the center of Earth to a point on its surface. Numbers start getting really big when we look at distances from Earth to other planets in our Solar System. The sun’s diameter is 1.4 million kilometers while its circumference is around 4.4 million kilometers. This part of the atmosphere is the most dense. The mass of the sun is 1.9891 x 1030 kg. It is big enough to consume all the planets inside it.

how big is the earth in kilometers