It has a good crunch and is fairly juicy. Gravenstein is an attractive high-quality dessert and culinary apple, first described in 1797. Enjoying the fruit that earned Honeycrisp apple (Malus x "MN1711") its worldwide following requires pollen from another apple variety. Granny Smith apples: This pale green apple is originally from Australia, but is now widely grown in this country. Can a Granny Smith Apple Tree Pollinate a Gravenstein Apple?. Gravenstein apples: This distinctive, red-striped apple is used primarily to make commercial applesauce, but it is also sold fresh. Try baked into sweet or savory pies, tarts, or meat pastries; add to savory bread stuffing, risotto or potato pancakes. It is well-known in the USA and northern Europe, and is still grown commercially on a small-scale. Almost all apple trees (Malus domestica) require cross-pollination to produce fruit. This apple is very acidic and tart, which makes it difficult to enjoy on its own. Granny Smith apples are often used in baking because of their high acidity and ability to hold their shape when cooked.

There is no sweetness at all in the apple. Good Pollinators for Honeycrisp. Gravenstein is a triploid variety and as is often the case with such varieties, produces a large vigourous tree with dark thick leaves. It is an all-purpose variety, with a crisp texture and tart flavor. The all green Granny Smith apple is instantly recognizable on all supermarket shelves. The "Gravenstein" is no exception to this rule. Gravenstein (Danish: GrĂ¥sten, meaning "graystone", after GrĂ¥sten Palace) is a triploid apple cultivar that originated in the 17th century or earlier. Granny Smith.

gravenstein vs granny smith