Why Emotionally Intelligent People Are More Successful Research shows that people with strong emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience. Emotional intelligence is comprised of five key elements: Self-awareness, motivation, empathy, social skills, and self-regulation. ... salespeople should listen 80 percent of the time and talk no more than 20 percent of the time. Search. Rozell, Pettijohn, and Parker (2006) explored relationships between emotional intelligence and performance in a sample of medical device salespeople. This combination of traits helps individuals control their own emotions while relating to people to establish a bond. (Reality: almost opposite happens) Emotional Intelligence is not soft or difficult to define; EI is a psychobiological process that people experience, and it can be measured and developed. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is the first book to offer sales professionals a complete, step-by-step program for increasing emotional intelligence using the four core EQ skills—self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The business case for developing emotional intelligence of manager, salespeople, customer service reps and other employees is strong, and the support for EQ's impact on the bottom line is growing. Purpose: This study aims at investigating emotional intelligence based on competencies for sales and IT people.

The Emotional Intelligence of the Sales Sector . Start studying Professional Selling Test 1. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is how somebody manages their personality to be both personally and interpersonally effective. There are two versions of the EQ test. Design/methodology/approach: A study was conducted on 111 employees of 12 firms from four different sectors in which firms benefited extensively from IT and sales activities. An article at Forbes cites examples of salespeople with higher emotional intelligence significantly outperforming other salespeople and states that in a study of 515 executives, emotional intelligence was a higher predictor of success than experience or IQ. ... emotional intelligence.

One is for leaders or professionals, an the other is for salespeople. Click here to view a sample report for salespeople. Select the first option if you want help to debrief your emotional intelligence test and report. Working with Dane Barnes of Optimize Hire, we gave hundreds of salespeople two validated tests of emotional intelligence that measured their abilities to … In essence, today’s salespeople need both cognitive intelligence (IQ) to act as ‘knowledge brokers’ and Emotional Intelligence (EI) to understand and connect with the needs of their customers. Based on evidence we created a defining model of Emotional Intelligence that provides an organising […] In fact, believe it or not, salespeople with a high EQ have been found to be twelve times as likely to be successful in the workplace. Traditional types of intelligence, such as fluid and crystallized IQ, the g-factor, logic IQ, etc. Click here to view a sample emotional intelligence report. On an annual basis, salespeople selected on the basis of emotional competence sold $91,370 more than other salespeople did, for a net revenue increase of $2,558,360.45.

emotional intelligence test for salespeople