People, gear, places - everyone and everything has a place here, from the most awe-inspiring riders to the sickest surfboards to the coldest mountain surf-spots. Our lesson packages are perfect for anyone who is looking for an introduction to river surfing. Surf Lesson Packages. The Big Collection of River Surfboards. Where I can, I’ll note some of the pros and cons even if I haven’t done a full review. Riverbreak is the world's first magazine to celebrate and promote the sport of river surfing. The Alberta RSA is recognized by Surf Canada as the Provincial Sport Organization for surfing. We work to build community, share the stoke and grow inland surfing through accessible equipment, knowledge and experiences. Keeping you safe, healthy, and happy!

We strive to create a vibrant home for all river surfers. “You see these [river] waves and think ‘Hey, I can probably surf that,’” says Alex Mauer, a professional stand-up paddleboarder and avid river surfer based in Littleton, Colorado. Local Calgary Surf Shop. People, gear, places - everyone and everything has a place here, from the most awe-inspiring riders to the sickest surfboards to the coldest mountain surf-spots.

Here, I’ll try to keep track of the ever-expanding list of boards I’ve seen on Colorado’s Front Range. River surfing is the sport of surfing either standing waves, tidal bores or upstream waves in rivers.Claims for its origins include a 1955 ride of 2.4 km (1.5 mi) along the tidal bore of the River Severn.. River surfing on standing waves has been documented as far back as the early-1970s in Munich, Germany, today offering the world's largest urban surfing spot. You may register for this alone or with friends! Welcome to the official website of the Alberta River Surfing Association (Alberta RSA). Welcome to Outlier Surf.

Riverbreak is the world's first magazine to celebrate and promote the sport of river surfing. We strive to create a vibrant home for all river surfers. The Alberta RSA is an Alberta registered Not For Profit and was founded in 2005.

As the sport evolves, river surfers are using a wider variety of river surfboards than ever before. Learn More.

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