In 2017, YouGov's seat projection, using a technique called MRP (multi-level regression … The YouGov MRP poll showed the Tories could win 339 seats (22 more than they took in 2017) and a vote share of 43%. Election results 2019: Opinion poll accuracy holds up. The MRP poll is one of very … June 27, 2019 Post-European Elections Poll 2019 Phil Newbold – Laura Piggott –

The YouGov MRP poll achieved a semi-mythical status at the last election by suggesting, 10 days before polling day, that Theresa May might lose her majority. Weighting targets are YouGov estimates, data sources used in the calculation of targets are cited below.

LONDON (Reuters) - Market research firm YouGov said it would publish a closely watched poll which will seek to predict the outcome of Britain's Dec. 12 election at 2200 GMT on Tuesday.

political attention (3) social grade (4) 2019 recalled vote interlocked with region and (5) EU referendum recalled vote.

This is the final public polling YouGov will conduct before Thursday’s vote. ... 6/79 General election 2019 poll … General election voting intention figures are additionally weighted by likelihood to vote. General election voting intention figures are additionally weighted by likelihood to vote.

political attention (3) social grade (4) EU referendum recalled vote (5) ethnicity and (6) 2019 recalled vote. The poll was carried out online.

Weighting targets are YouGov estimates, data sources used in the calculation of targets are cited below. The YouGov/Sky News projection is based on the Tories getting 42.6% of the vote, down from 43.4% in the 2017 general election, Labour on 33.8%, … YouGov’s final 2019 general election MRP model says that a small Conservative majority looks likely.

The poll was carried out online.

yougov poll election 2019