Edge of Extinction (2020) Review 5/10. Civilization no longer exists, food is scarce and most eke out a living by stealing and killing. One man clings onto life in his bunker, where staying away from others has been key to his survival. But despite its best efforts it falls short with a number of mis-steps. This is a Britain but not quite as we know it, undoubtedly and you would believe is post-Brexit, set 15 years after World War III … Civilisation no longer exists, food is scarce and most eke out a living by stealing and killing. Movie Info 15 years after a global apocalypse, mankind is on the verge of extinction. Edge of Extinction Review The allure of the post-apocalyptic world is one that cinema revisits frequently and Andrew Gilbert’s Edge of Extinction dives into this valiantly. Edge of Extinction Review. Edge of Extinction. HeyUGuys. The allure of the post-apocalyptic world is one that cinema revisits frequently and Andrew Gilbert’s Edge of Extinction dives into this valiantly. 19 May 2020. by Thomas Alexander. Shadows on the Wall May 20, 2020 It's impressively staged, even if the writing and direction lack texture and the whole movie is badly in need of tighter, less indulgent editing. T his postapocalyptic survivalist thriller, set in rural Britain, is both violent and depressing, with some iffy line-readings, weird script moments and untied plot strands. 15 years after a global apocalypse, mankind is on the verge of extinction.

edge of extinction review