Story The story follows a young hunter named Elk and his quest for revenge against the infamous Arc.

Join Elk, the youngest member of the Hunters Guild, who finds himself propelled into an epic odyssey across a mysterious world in search of the enigmatic outlaw known as Arc The Lad. Arc Eda Ricolne (Japanese: アーク・エダ・リコルヌ Āku Eda Rikorunu) is a recurring character in The Arc The Lad series and is main protagonist of Arc The Lad. Together with the mysterious Lieza and the powerful warrior Shu, Elk must defeat a sinister organization that's creating half-human monsters and … Elc (Eruku, エルク) was a human male Hunter and master of fire magic he became a Hunter from a young age and quickly rose up the ranks to become one of the most elite Hunters in the world during his lifetime. Born in a small village, Elc watched his family get …
He was chosen by the Guardians as the hero worthy of wielding the Guardian Magic.

With Steve Blum, Brianne Brozey, Michelle Ruff, Melissa Fahn.
Arc the Lad, the adventure show that's just a touch darker then others of its type. Welcome To The Arc The Lad Wiki The free community encyclopedia about the classic JRPG series Arc The Lad that anyone can edit .

This wiki currently has 158 articles and 2,200 edits.

arc the lad elk