Maintain control and balance as you push your hips forward. This type of routine usually runs anywhere between 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on how many rounds you do and how long the rounds are. Without any type of flexibility, techniques are harder and it's easier to get injured. If you feel like pushing yourself and your training partner, do 4-5 minute rounds! Stretching is a crucial aspect of Muay Thai training that many people overlook. With that being said, here is the post-workout stretching routine that I do after almost every one of my training sessions.

If you are training for a professional Muay Thai fight, it will be 3-minute rounds. Front Scale with Hip Thrust Start in a Front Scale, which involves having both legs locked out. I was immediately able to start implementing his training methods and recommendations into my own strength and conditioning routine for Muay Thai. Hamstrings – Stand with your feet together facing forward, lean down from the hips and touch your toes (or as far down... Groin, back and hips – Whilst facing forward, spread you feet apart as wide as you can.

Since I am currently on a hiatus from the ring (I don’t plan on fighting until the 2nd half of 2015), I really wanted to focus on the strength aspect of my training.

It involves foam rolling, skipping rope, dynamic movements, and some light static stretches.

I find that performing this dynamic warm-up routine before banging the heavy bag or doing any other type of Muay Thai training helps me get prepared in more ways than one.

Muay Thai stretch routine